API Docs for:

datatable-body Module

View class responsible for rendering the <tbody> section of a table. Used as the default bodyView for Y.DataTable.Base and Y.DataTable classes.

Translates the provided modelList into a rendered <tbody> based on the data in the constituent Models, altered or ammended by any special column configurations.

The columns configuration, passed to the constructor, determines which columns will be rendered.

The rendering process involves constructing an HTML template for a complete row of data, built by concatenating a customized copy of the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE into the ROW_TEMPLATE once for each column. This template is then populated with values from each Model in the modelList, aggregating a complete HTML string of all row and column data. A <tbody> Node is then created from the markup and any column nodeFormatters are applied.

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  • key - Used to link a column to an attribute in a Model.
  • name - Used for columns that don't relate to an attribute in the Model (formatter or nodeFormatter only) if the implementer wants a predictable name to refer to in their CSS.
  • cellTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this column only.
  • formatter - Used to customize or override the content value from the Model. These do not have access to the cell or row Nodes and should return string (HTML) content.
  • nodeFormatter - Used to provide content for a cell as well as perform any custom modifications on the cell or row Node that could not be performed by formatters. Should be used sparingly for better performance.
  • emptyCellValue - String (HTML) value to use if the Model data for a column, or the content generated by a formatter, is the empty string, null, or undefined.
  • allowHTML - Set to true if a column value, formatter, or emptyCellValue can contain HTML. This defaults to false to protect against XSS.
  • className - Space delimited CSS classes to add to all <td>s in a column.

Column formatters are passed an object (o) with the following properties:

  • value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if any.
  • data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
  • record - The Model instance.
  • column - The column configuration object for the current column.
  • className - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS classes to the cell's <td>.
  • rowIndex - The zero-based row number.
  • rowClass - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS classes to the cell's containing row <tr>.

They may return a value or update o.value to assign specific HTML content. A returned value has higher precedence.

Column nodeFormatters are passed an object (o) with the following properties:

  • value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if any.
  • td - The <td> Node instance.
  • cell - The <div> liner Node instance if present, otherwise, the <td>. When adding content to the cell, prefer appending into this property.
  • data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
  • record - The Model instance.
  • column - The column configuration object for the current column.
  • rowIndex - The zero-based row number.

They are expected to inject content into the cell's Node directly, including any "empty" cell content. Each nodeFormatter will have access through the Node API to all cells and rows in the <tbody>, but not to the <table>, as it will not be attached yet.

If a nodeFormatter returns false, the o.td and o.cell Nodes will be destroy()ed to remove them from the Node cache and free up memory. The DOM elements will remain as will any content added to them. It is highly advisable to always return false from your nodeFormatters.

This module provides the following classes: