API Docs for:

DataTable.HeaderView Class

View class responsible for rendering the <thead> section of a table. Used as the default headerView for Y.DataTable.Base and Y.DataTable classes.

Translates the provided array of column configuration objects into a rendered <thead> based on the data in those objects.

The structure of the column data is expected to be a single array of objects, where each object corresponds to a <th>. Those objects may contain a children property containing a similarly structured array to indicate the nested cells should be grouped under the parent column's colspan in a separate row of header cells. E.g.

new Y.DataTable.HeaderView({
  container: tableNode,
  columns: [
    { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
    { key: 'name', children: [
      { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
      { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }
This would translate to the following visualization:
|    |     name     |
|    |---------------
| id | First | Last |

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  • label - The HTML content of the header cell.
  • key - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
  • children - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next row.
  • headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this column only.
  • abbr - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the <th>
  • className - Adds this string of CSS classes to the column header

Through the life of instantiation and rendering, the column objects will have the following properties added to them:

  • _colspan - To supply the <th> attribute
  • _rowspan - To supply the <th> attribute
  • _parent - If the column is a child of another column, this points to its parent column
  • _yuid - (Added by DataTable) A unique YUI generated id used as the <th>'s 'id' for reference in the data <td>'s 'headers' attribute.

The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder} tokens in the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and include other column object properties to populate them.



  • e

Handles changes in the source's columns attribute. Redraws the headers.


  • e EventFacade

    The columnsChange event object


  • data
Array protected

Translate the input column format into a structure useful for rendering a <thead>, rows, and cells. The structure of the input is expected to be a single array of objects, where each object corresponds to a <th>. Those objects may contain a children property containing a similarly structured array to indicate the nested cells should be grouped under the parent column's colspan in a separate row of header cells. E.g.

  { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
  { key: 'name', children: [
    { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
    { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }
would indicate two header rows with the first column 'id' being assigned a rowspan of 2, the 'name' column appearing in the first row with a colspan of 2, and the 'firstName' and 'lastName' columns appearing in the second row, below the 'name' column.
|    |     name     |
|    |---------------
| id | First | Last |

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  • label - The HTML content of the header cell.
  • key - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
  • children - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next row.
  • abbr - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the <th>
  • headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this column only.

The output structure is basically a simulation of the <thead> structure with arrays for rows and objects for cells. Column objects have the following properties added to them:

  • colspan - Per the <th> attribute
  • rowspan - Per the <th> attribute
  • parent - If the column is a child of another column, this points to its parent column
  • _yuid - A unique YUI generated id used as the <th>'s 'id' for reference in the data <td>'s 'headers' attribute.

The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder} replacement in the CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and include other column object properties to populate them.


  • data Object

    Array of column object data


Array: An array of arrays corresponding to the header row structure to render


() protected

Binds event subscriptions from the UI and the source (if assigned).


() protected

Destroys the instance.


  • token

Builds a CSS class name from the provided tokens. If the instance is created with cssPrefix or source in the configuration, it will use this prefix (the _cssPrefix of the source object) as the base token. This allows class instances to generate markup with class names that correspond to the parent class that is consuming them.


  • token String multiple

    Any number of tokens to include in the class name


String: The generated class name


  • config

Initializes the instance. Reads the following configuration properties:

  • columns - (REQUIRED) The initial column information
  • cssPrefix - The base string for classes generated by getClassName
  • source - The object to serve as source of truth for column info


  • config Object

    Configuration data


() HeaderView chainable

Creates the <thead> Node content by assembling markup generated by populating the ROW_TEMPLATE and CELL_TEMPLATE templates with content from the columns property.


HeaderView: The instance



String protected

The base token for classes created with the getClassName method.

Default: 'yui3-table'


Object protected

Holds the event subscriptions needing to be detached when the instance is destroy()ed.

Default: undefined (initially unset)



Template used to create the table's header cell markup. Override this to customize how these cells' markup is created.

Default: '<th id="{_yuid}" {abbr} colspan="{_colspan}" rowspan="{_rowspan}" class="{className}">{content}</th>'



The data representation of the header rows to render. This is assigned by parsing the columns configuration array, and is used by the render() method.

Default: (initially unset)



Template used to create the table's header row markup. Override this to customize the row markup.

Default: '<tr>{content}</tr>'



The object that serves as the source of truth for column and row data. This property is assigned at instantiation from the source property of the configuration object passed to the constructor.

Default: (initially unset)