API Docs for:

DataSchema Class

Abstract class encapsulation for any DataSchema implementation. Pass the constructor configuration an object containing these keys:

  • type - "json", "JSON", Y.DataSchema.JSON, a custom implementation object (must provide an apply method), or a custom function used as the apply method.
  • schema - the object containing the appropriate schema key:values for the specified type of schema parser. What you would pass as the first argument to Y.DataSchema.JSON.apply( SCHEMA, data );

This class constructor replaces the Y.DataSchema object namespace. All loaded schema parser implementations are preserved.

Item Index




  • config

Initialize the instance, resolve the configured schema parser implementation, and add any other properties or custom methods onto this object. Generally, the "any other properties" should be just the schema.


  • config Object

    object passed in from constructor


  • type
Object protected

Resolves the configured type to an implementation object (e.g. Y.DataSchema.JSON).

Accepts type as a string, object, or function. Defalts to Y.DataSchema.Base.

If a string is supplied, an implementation is searched for as a static property of Y.DataSchema. If one cannot be found, two more attempts are made with the string in upper case and then the string with first letter capitalized.

If an object that contains a method named "apply" is passed, that object is used.

If a function is passed, that function is treated as the "apply" method of a Y.DataSchema.Base implementation.


  • type Object | String | Function

    schema parser implemantation, its name, or a custom apply function to use over Base implementation


Object: DataSchema parser implementation object


  • data

Pass the data to the schema parser implementation with the configured schema.


  • data Mixed

    input data to be parsed by the schema implementation


Object: Schema-parsed data