API Docs for:

File: /Users/lsmith/dev/yui3-gallery/src/gallery-datatable-350-preview/js/datatable.js

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-core', function (Y) {
The core implementation of the DataTable and DataTable.Base Widgets.

Use this class extension with Widget or another Base-based superclass to create
the basic DataTable API and composing class structure.

Notable about this architecture is that rendering and UI event management for
the header, body, and footer of the table are deferred to configurable classes
in the headerView, bodyView, and footerView attributes.  In this extension
they have no default values, requiring implementers to supply their own classes
to render the table content.

@module datatable-core


    Lang         = Y.Lang,
    isFunction   = Lang.isFunction,
    isObject     = Lang.isObject,
    isArray      = Lang.isArray,
    isString     = Lang.isString,
    isNumber     = Lang.isNumber,
    fromTemplate = Lang.sub,

    toArray = Y.Array,

    keys = Y.Object.keys,

// TODO: add this to Y.Object
function flatten(o) {
    var flat = {},

    for (key in o) {
        // Not doing a hasOwnProperty check on purpose
        flat[key] = o[key];

    return flat;

Class extension providing the core API and structure for the DataTable Widget.

@class DataTable.Core
Table = Y.namespace('DataTable').Core = function () {};

Table.ATTRS = {
    Columns to include in the rendered table.
    If omitted, the attributes on the configured recordType or the first item
    in the data collection will be used as a source.

    This attribute takes an array of strings or objects (mixing the two is
    fine).  Each string or object is considered a column to be rendered.
    Strings are converted to objects, so columns: ['first', 'last'] becomes
    columns: [{ key: 'first' }, { key: 'last' }].

    DataTable.Core only concerns itself with the key property of columns.
    All other properties are for use by the headerView, bodyView,
    footerView, and any class extensions or plugins on the final class or
    instance. See the descriptions of the view classes and feature class
    extensions and plugins for details on the specific properties they read or
    add to column definitions.

    @attribute columns
    @type {Object[]|String[]}
    @default (from recordType ATTRS or first item in the data)
    columns: {
        // TODO: change to setter to coerce Columnset?
        validator: isArray,
        getter: '_getColumns'

    Model subclass to use as the model for the ModelList stored in the data

    If not provided, it will try really hard to figure out what to use.  The
    following attempts will be made to set a default value:
    1. If the data attribute is set with a ModelList instance and its model
       property is set, that will be used.
    2. If the data attribute is set with a ModelList instance, and its
       model property is unset, but it is populated, the ATTRS of the
       `constructor of the first item will be used.
    3. If the data attribute is set with a non-empty array, a Model subclass
       will be generated using the keys of the first item as its ATTRS (see
       the _createRecordClass method).
    4. If the columns attribute is set, a Model subclass will be generated
       using the columns defined with a key. This is least desirable because
       columns can be duplicated or nested in a way that's not parsable.
    5. If neither data nor columns is set or populated, a change event
       subscriber will listen for the first to be changed and try all over

    @attribute recordType
    @type {Function}
    @default (see description)
    recordType: {
        setter: '_setRecordType',
        writeOnce: true

    The collection of data records to display.  This attribute is a pass
    through to a data property, which is a ModelList instance.

    If this attribute is passed a ModelList or subclass, it will be assigned to
    the property directly.  If an array of objects is passed, a new ModelList
    will be created using the configured recordType as its model property
    and seeded with the array.

    Retrieving this attribute will return the ModelList stored in the data

    @attribute data
    @type {ModelList|Object[]}
    @default new ModelList()
    data: {
        value : [],
        setter: '_setData',
        getter: '_getData'

    The class or object to use for rendering the <thead> and column headers
    for the table.  This attribute is responsible for populating the the
    instance's head property.

    If a class constructor (function) is passed, an instance of that clas will
    be created at render() time and assigned to this.head.  If an object is
    passed, head will be set immediately.

    Valid objects or classes will have a render() method, though it is
    recommended that they be subclasses of Y.Base or Y.View.  If the object
    or class supports events, its addTarget() method will be called to bubble
    its events to this instance.

    The core implementaion does not define a default headerView.  Classes
    built from this extension should define a default.

    @attribute headerView
    @type {Function|Object}
    headerView: {
        validator: '_validateView',
        writeOnce: true

    The class or object to use for rendering the <tfoot> and any relevant
    content for it.  This attribute is responsible for populating the the
    instance's foot property.

    If a class constructor (function) is passed, an instance of that clas will
    be created at render() time and assigned to this.foot.  If an object is
    passed, foot will be set immediately.

    Valid objects or classes will have a render() method, though it is
    recommended that they be subclasses of Y.Base or Y.View.  If the object
    or class supports events, its addTarget() method will be called to bubble
    its events to this instance.

    The core implementaion does not define a default footerView.  Classes
    built from this extension should define a default if appropriate.

    @attribute footerView
    @type {Function|Object}
    footerView: {
        validator: '_validateView',
        writeOnce: true

    The class or object to use for rendering the <tbody> or <tbody>s and
    all data row content for the table.  This attribute is responsible for
    populating the the instance's body property.

    If a class constructor (function) is passed, an instance of that clas will
    be created at render() time and assigned to this.body.  If an object is
    passed, body will be set immediately.

    Valid objects or classes will have a render() method, though it is
    recommended that they be subclasses of Y.Base or Y.View.  If the object
    or class supports events, its addTarget() method will be called to bubble
    its events to this instance.

    The core implementaion does not define a default bodyView.  Classes
    built from this extension should define a default.

    @attribute bodyView
    @type {Function|Object}
    bodyView: {
        validator: '_validateView',
        writeOnce: true

    Content for the <table summary="ATTRIBUTE VALUE HERE">.  Values assigned
    to this attribute will be HTML escaped for security.

    @attribute summary
    @type {String}
    @default '' (empty string)
    summary: {
        value: '',
        // For paranoid reasons, the value is escaped on its way in because
        // rendering can be based on string concatenation.
        setter: Y.Escape.html

    HTML content of an optional <caption> element to appear above the table.
    Leave this config unset or set to a falsy value to remove the caption.

    @attribute caption
    @type HTML
    @default '' (empty string)
    caption: {
        value: ''

    Deprecated as of 3.5.0. Passes through to the data attribute.

    WARNING: get('recordset') will NOT return a Recordset instance as of
    3.5.0.  This is a break in backward compatibility.

    @attribute recordset
    @type {Object[]|Recordset}
    @deprecated Use the data attribute
    recordset: {
        setter: '_setRecordset',
        getter: '_getRecordset'

    Deprecated as of 3.5.0. Passes through to the columns attribute.

    If a Columnset object is passed, its raw object and array column data will
    be extracted for use.

    WARNING: get('columnset') will NOT return a Columnset instance as of
    3.5.0.  This is a break in backward compatibility.

    @attribute columnset
    @type {Object[]|Columnset}
    @deprecated Use the columns attribute
    columnset: {
        setter: '_setColumnset',
        getter: '_getColumnset'

Y.mix(Table.prototype, {
    // -- Instance properties -------------------------------------------------

    The HTML template used to create the caption Node if the caption
    attribute is set.

    @property CAPTION_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<caption class="{className}"/>'
    CAPTION_TEMPLATE: '<caption class="{className}"/>',

    The HTML template used to create the table Node.

    @property TABLE_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<table class="{className}"/>'
    TABLE_TEMPLATE  : '<table class="{className}"/>',

    HTML template used to create table's &lt;tbody&gt; if configured with a

    @property TBODY_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<tbody class="{className}"/>'
    TBODY_TEMPLATE: '<tbody class="{className}"/>',

    Template used to create the table's &lt;tfoot&gt; if configured with a

    @property TFOOT_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<tfoot class="{className}"/>'
        '<tfoot class="{className}"/>',

    Template used to create the table's &lt;thead&gt; if configured with a

    @property THEAD_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<thead class="{className}"/>'
        '<thead class="{className}"/>',

    The object or instance of the class assigned to bodyView that is
    responsible for rendering and managing the table's &lt;tbody&gt;(s) and its

    @property body
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //body: null,

    The object or instance of the class assigned to footerView that is
    responsible for rendering and managing the table's &lt;tfoot&gt; and its

    @property foot
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //foot: null,

    The object or instance of the class assigned to headerView that is
    responsible for rendering and managing the table's &lt;thead&gt; and its

    @property head
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //head: null,

    The ModelList that manages the table's data.

    @property data
    @type {ModelList}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //data: null,

    // -- Public methods ------------------------------------------------------
    Pass through to delegate() called from the contentBox.

    @method delegate
    @param type {String} the event type to delegate
    @param fn {Function} the callback function to execute.  This function
                 will be provided the event object for the delegated event.
    @param spec {String|Function} a selector that must match the target of the
                 event or a function to test target and its parents for a match
    @param context {Object} optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to
    @param args* {any} 0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback
                 function.  These arguments will be added after the event object.
    @return {EventHandle} the detach handle
    delegate: function () {
        var contentBox = this.get('contentBox');

        return contentBox.delegate.apply(contentBox, arguments);

    Returns the Node for a cell at the given coordinates.

    Technically, this only relays to the bodyView instance's getCell method.
    If the bodyView doesn't have a getCell method, undefined is returned.

    @method getCell
    @param {Number} row Index of the cell's containing row
    @param {Number} col Index of the cell's containing column
    @return {Node}
    getCell: function (row, col) {
        return this.body && this.body.getCell && this.body.getCell(row, col);

    Gets the column configuration object for the given key, name, or index.  For
    nested columns, name can be an array of indexes, each identifying the index
    of that column in the respective parent's "children" array.

    If you pass a column object, it will be returned.

    For columns with keys, you can also fetch the column with

    @method getColumn
    @param {String|Number|Number[]} name Key, "name", index, or index array to
                identify the column
    @return {Object} the column configuration object
    getColumn: function (name) {
        var col, columns, i, len, cols;

        if (isObject(name) && !isArray(name)) {
            // TODO: support getting a column from a DOM node - this will cross
            // the line into the View logic, so it should be relayed

            // Assume an object passed in is already a column def
            col = name;
        } else {
            col = this.get('columns.' + name);

        if (col) {
            return col;

        columns = this.get('columns');

        if (isNumber(name) || isArray(name)) {
            name = toArray(name);
            cols = columns;

            for (i = 0, len = name.length - 1; cols && i < len; ++i) {
                cols = cols[name[i]] && cols[name[i]].children;

            return (cols && cols[i]) || null;

        return null;

    Returns the Node for a row at the given index.

    Technically, this only relays to the bodyView instance's getRow method.
    If the bodyView doesn't have a getRow method, undefined is returned.

    @method getRow
    @param {Number} index Index of the row in the data &lt;tbody&gt;
    @return {Node}
    getRow: function (index) {
        return this.body && this.body.getRow && this.body.getRow(index);

    Updates the UI with the current attribute state.

    @method syncUI
    syncUI: function () {

    // -- Protected and private properties and methods ------------------------

    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in bodyView during

    This property is set by the _initViewConfig method at instantiation.

    @property _bodyConfig
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_bodyConfig: null,

    A map of column key to column configuration objects parsed from the
    columns attribute.

    @property _columnMap
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_columnMap: null,

    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in footerView during

    This property is set by the _initViewConfig method at instantiation.

    @property _footerConfig
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_footerConfig: null,

    Configuration object passed to the class constructor in headerView during

    This property is set by the _initViewConfig method at instantiation.

    @property _headerConfig
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_headerConfig: null,

    The Node instance of the table containing the data rows.  This is set when
    the table is rendered.  It may also be set by progressive enhancement,
    though this extension does not provide the logic to parse from source.

    @property _tableNode
    @type {Node}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_tableNode: null,

    Configuration object used as the prototype of _headerConfig,
    _bodyConfig, and _footerConfig. Add properties to this object if you
    want them in all three of the other config objects.

    This property is set by the _initViewConfig method at instantiation.

    @property _viewConfig
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_viewConfig: null,

    Updates the _columnMap property in response to changes in the columns

    @method _afterColumnsChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event object
    _afterColumnsChange: function (e) {

    Subscribes to attribute change events to update the UI.

    @method bindUI
    bindUI: function () {
        // TODO: handle widget attribute changes

    Creates a Model subclass from an array of attribute names or an object of
    attribute definitions.  This is used to generate a class suitable to
    represent the data passed to the data attribute if no recordType is

    @method _createRecordClass
    @param {String[]|Object} attrs Names assigned to the Model subclass's
                ATTRS or its entire ATTRS definition object
    @return {Model}
    _createRecordClass: function (attrs) {
        var ATTRS, i, len;

        if (isArray(attrs)) {
            ATTRS = {};

            for (i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; ++i) {
                ATTRS[attrs[i]] = {};
        } else if (isObject(attrs)) {
            ATTRS = attrs;

        return Y.Base.create('record', Y.Model, [], null, { ATTRS: ATTRS });

    Creates the &lt;table&gt;.

    @method _createTable
    @return {Node} The &lt;table&gt; node
    _createTable: function () {
        return Y.Node.create(fromTemplate(this.TABLE_TEMPLATE, {
            className: this.getClassName('table')

    Creates a &lt;tbody&gt; node from the TBODY_TEMPLATE.

    @method _createTBody
    _createTBody: function () {
        return Y.Node.create(fromTemplate(this.TBODY_TEMPLATE, {
            className: this.getClassName('data')

    Creates a &lt;tfoot&gt; node from the TFOOT_TEMPLATE.

    @method _createTFoot
    _createTFoot: function () {
        return Y.Node.create(fromTemplate(this.TFOOT_TEMPLATE, {
            className: this.getClassName('footer')

    Creates a &lt;thead&gt; node from the THEAD_TEMPLATE.

    @method _createTHead
    _createTHead: function () {
        return Y.Node.create(fromTemplate(this.THEAD_TEMPLATE, {
            className: this.getClassName('columns')

    Calls render() on the bodyView class instance and inserts the view's
    container into the &lt;table&gt;.

    Assigns the instance's body property from e.view and the _tbodyNode
    from the view's container attribute.

    @method _defRenderBodyFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The renderBody event
    _defRenderBodyFn: function (e) {

        this.body = e.view;
        this._tbodyNode = e.view.get('container');


    Calls render() on the footerView class instance and inserts the view's
    container into the &lt;table&gt;.

    Assigns the instance's foot property from e.view and the _tfootNode
    from the view's container attribute.

    @method _defRenderFooterFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The renderFooter event
    _defRenderFooterFn: function (e) {

        this.foot = e.view;
        this._tfootNode = e.view.get('container');

            this._tableNode.one('> tbody'));

    Calls render() on the headerView class instance and inserts the view's
    container into the &lt;table&gt;.

    Assigns the instance's head property from e.view and the _theadNode
    from the view's container attribute.

    @method _defRenderHeaderFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The renderHeader event
    _defRenderHeaderFn: function (e) {

        this.head = e.view;
        this._theadNode = e.view.get('container');

            this._tableNode.one('> tfoot, > tbody'));

    Renders the &lt;table&gt;, &lt;caption&gt;, and &lt;colgroup&gt;.

    Assigns the generated table to the _tableNode property.

    @method _defRenderTableFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The renderTable event
    _defRenderTableFn: function (e) {
        var view, config;

        this._tableNode = this._createTable();

        if (e.headerView) {
            config = flatten(e.headerConfig || {});
            config.container = this._createTHead();

            view = new e.headerView(config);

            this.fire('renderHeader', { view: view });

        if (e.footerView) {
            config = flatten(e.footerConfig || {});
            config.container = this._createTFoot();

            view = new e.footerView(config);

            this.fire('renderFooter', { view: view });

        if (e.bodyView) {
            config = flatten(e.bodyConfig || {});
            config.container = this._createTBody();

            view = new e.bodyView(config);

            this.fire('renderBody', { view: view });


    Contains column configuration objects for those columns believed to be intended for display in the &lt;tbody&gt;. Populated by _setDisplayColumns.

    @property _displayColumns
    @type {Object[]}
    @value undefined (initially not set)
    //_displayColumns: null,

    The getter for the columns attribute.  Returns the array of column
    configuration objects if instance.get('columns') is called, or the
    specific column object if instance.get('columns.columnKey') is called.

    @method _getColumns
    @param {Object[]} columns The full array of column objects
    @param {String} name The attribute name requested
                         (e.g. 'columns' or 'columns.foo');
    _getColumns: function (columns, name) {
        // Workaround for an attribute oddity (ticket #2529254)
        // getter is expected to return an object if get('columns.foo') is called.
        // Note 'columns.' is 8 characters
        return name.length > 8 ? this._columnMap : columns;

    Relays the get() request for the deprecated columnset attribute to the
    columns attribute.

    THIS BREAKS BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY.  3.4.1 and prior implementations will
    expect a Columnset instance returned from get('columnset').

    @method _getColumnset
    @param {Object} ignored The current value stored in the columnset state
    @param {String} name The attribute name requested
                         (e.g. 'columnset' or 'columnset.foo');
    @deprecated This will be removed with the columnset attribute in a future
    _getColumnset: function (_, name) {
        return this.get(name.replace(/^columnset/, 'columns'));

    The getter for the data attribute.  Returns the ModelList stored in the
    data property.  If the ModelList is not yet set, it returns the current
    raw data (presumably an empty array or undefined).

    @method _getData
    @param {Object[]|ModelList} val The current data stored in the attribute
    _getData: function (val) {
        return this.data || val;

    Initializes the _columnMap property from the configured columns
    attribute.  If columns is not set, but recordType is, it uses the
    ATTRS of that class.  If neither are set, it temporarily falls back to an
    empty array. _initRecordType will call back into this method if it finds
    the columnMap empty.

    @method _initColumns
    _initColumns: function () {
        var columns    = this.get('columns'),
            recordType = this.get('recordType');
        // Default column definition from the configured recordType
        if (!columns) {
            // TODO: merge superclass attributes up to Model?
            columns = (recordType && recordType.ATTRS) ?
                      keys(recordType.ATTRS) : [];

            this.set('columns', columns, { silent: true });



    Initializes the instance's data property from the value of the data
    attribute.  If the attribute value is a ModelList, it is assigned directly
    to this.data.  If it is an array, a ModelList is created, its model
    property is set to the configured recordType class, and it is seeded with
    the array data.  This ModelList is then assigned to this.data.

    @method _initData
    _initData: function () {
        var data = this.get('data'),
            recordType, values;

        if (isArray(data)) {
            recordType = this.get('recordType');

            values = data;
            data = new Y.ModelList();

            // _initRecordType is run before this, so recordType will be set
            // if the data array had any records.  Otherwise, values is an
            // empty array, so no need to call reset();
            if (recordType) {
                data.model = recordType;
                data.reset(values, { silent: true });

            // Make sure the attribute state object contains the ModelList.
            // TODO: maybe better would be to purge the attribute state value?
            this.set('data', data, { silent: true });

        this.data = data;


    Publishes core events.

    @method _initEvents
    _initEvents: function () {
            // Y.bind used to allow late binding for method override support
            renderTable : {
                fireOnce: true,
                defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderTableFn', this)
            renderHeader: {
                fireOnce: true,
                defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderHeaderFn', this)
            renderBody  : {
                fireOnce: true,
                defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderBodyFn', this)
            renderFooter: {
                fireOnce: true,
                defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderFooterFn', this)

    Initializes the columns, recordType and data ModelList.

    @method initializer
    initializer: function () {





        this.after('columnsChange', this._afterColumnsChange);

        // FIXME: this needs to be added to Widget._buildCfg.custom
        this._UI_ATTRS = {
            BIND: this._UI_ATTRS.BIND.concat(['caption', 'summary']),
            SYNC: this._UI_ATTRS.SYNC.concat(['caption', 'summary'])

    If the recordType attribute is not set, this method attempts to set a
    default value.

    It tries the following methods to determine a default:

    1. If the data attribute is set with a ModelList with a model property,
       that class is used.
    2. If the data attribute is set with a non-empty ModelList, the
       constructor of the first item is used.
    3. If the data attribute is set with a non-empty array and the first item
       is a Base subclass, its constructor is used.
    4. If the data attribute is set with a non-empty array a custom Model
       subclass is generated using the keys of the first item as its ATTRS.
    5. If the _columnMap property has keys, a custom Model subclass is
       generated using those keys as its ATTRS.

    Of none of those are successful, it subscribes to the change events for
    columns, recordType, and data to try again.

    If defaulting the recordType and the current _columnMap property is
    empty, it will call _initColumns.

    @method _initRecordType
    _initRecordType: function () {
        var data, columns, recordType, handle, columnKeys;
        if (!this.get('recordType')) {
            data    = this.get('data');
            columns = this._columnMap;

            // Use the ModelList's specified Model class
            if (data.model) {
                recordType = data.model;

            // Or if not configured, use the construct of the first Model
            } else if (data.size && data.size()) {
                recordType = data.model = data.item(0).constructor;

            // Or if the data is an array, build a class from the first item
            } else if (isArray(data) && data.length) {
                recordType = (data[0].constructor.ATTRS) ?
                    data[0].constructor :

            // Or if the columns were defined, build a class from the keys
            } else {
                columnKeys = keys(columns);
                if (columnKeys.length) {
                    recordType = this._createRecordClass(columnKeys);

            if (recordType) {
                this.set('recordType', recordType, { silent: true });

                if (!columns || !columns.length) {
            } else {
                // FIXME: Edge case race condition with
                // new DT({ on/after: { <any of these changes> } }) OR
                // new DT().on( <any of these changes> )
                // where there's not enough info to assign this.data.model
                // at construction. The on/constructor subscriptions will be
                // executed before this subscription.
                handle = this.after(
                    ['columnsChange', 'recordTypeChange','dataChange'],
                    function (e) {
                        // manually batch detach rather than manage separate
                        // subs in case the change was inadequate to populate
                        // recordType. But subs must be detached because the
                        // subscriber recurses to _initRecordType, which would
                        // result in duplicate subs.

                        if (!this.data.model) {
                            // FIXME: resubscribing if there's still not enough
                            // info to populate recordType will place the new
                            // subs later in the callback queue, opening the
                            // race condition even more.

                            // If recordType isn't set yet, _initRecordType
                            // will have recreated this subscription.
                            this.data.model = this.get('recordType');

    Initializes the _viewConfig, _headerConfig, _bodyConfig, and
    _footerConfig properties with the configuration objects that will be
    passed to the constructors of the headerView, bodyView, and
    Extensions can add to the config objects to deliver custom parameters at
    view instantiation.  _viewConfig is used as the prototype of the other
    three config objects, so properties added here will be inherited by all

    @method _initViewConfig
    _initViewConfig: function () {
        this._viewConfig = {
            source   : this,
            cssPrefix: this._cssPrefix

        // Use prototypal inheritance to share common configs from _viewConfig
        this._headerConfig = Y.Object(this._viewConfig);
        this._bodyConfig   = Y.Object(this._viewConfig);
        this._footerConfig = Y.Object(this._viewConfig);

    Iterates the array of column configurations to capture all columns with a
    key property.  Columns that are represented as strings will be replaced
    with objects with the string assigned as the key property.  If a column
    has a children property, it will be iterated, adding any nested column
    keys to the returned map. There is no limit to the levels of nesting.

    All columns are assigned a _yuid stamp and _id property corresponding
    to the column's configured name or key property with any spaces
    replaced with dashes.  If the same name or key appears in multiple
    columns, subsequent appearances will have their _id appended with an
    incrementing number (e.g. if column "foo" is included in the columns
    attribute twice, the first will get _id of "foo", and the second an _id
    of "foo1").

    The result is an object map with column keys as the property name and the
    corresponding column object as the associated value.

    @method _parseColumns
    @param {Object[]|String[]} columns The array of column names or
                configuration objects to scan
    _parseColumns: function (columns) {
        var map  = {},
            keys = {};
        function process(cols) {
            var i, len, col, key, yuid, id;

            for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = cols[i];

                if (isString(col)) {
                    // Update the array entry as well, so the attribute state array
                    // contains the same objects.
                    cols[i] = col = { key: col };

                yuid = Y.stamp(col);

                if (isArray(col.children)) {
                } else {
                    key = col.key;

                    if (key) {
                        map[col.key] = col;

                    // Unique id based on the column's configured name or key,
                    // falling back to the yuid.  Duplicates will have a counter
                    // added to the end.
                    id = col.name || col.key || col._yuid;

                    // Sanitize the _id for use in generated CSS classes.
                    // TODO: is there more to do for other uses of _id?
                    id = id.replace(/\s+/, '-');

                    if (keys[id]) {
                        id += (keys[id]++);
                    } else {
                        keys[id] = 1;

                    col._id = id;

                    //TODO: named columns can conflict with keyed columns
                    map[id] = col;


        return map;

    Builds the table and attaches it to the DOM.  This requires the host class
    to provide a contentBox attribute.  This is typically provided by Widget.

    @method renderUI
    renderUI: function () {
        var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),

        if (contentBox) {
            // _viewConfig is the prototype for _headerConfig et al.
            this._viewConfig.columns   = this.get('columns');
            this._viewConfig.modelList = this.data;

            this.fire('renderTable', {
                headerView  : this.get('headerView'),
                headerConfig: this._headerConfig,

                bodyView    : this.get('bodyView'),
                bodyConfig  : this._bodyConfig,

                footerView  : this.get('footerView'),
                footerConfig: this._footerConfig

            table = this._tableNode;

            if (table) {
                // off DOM or in an existing node attached to a different parentNode
                if (!table.inDoc() || !table.ancestor().compareTo(contentBox)) {
            } else { Y.log('Problem rendering DataTable: table not created', 'warn', 'datatable'); // On the same line to allow builder to strip the else clause
        } else { Y.log('Problem rendering DataTable: contentBox not found', 'warn', 'datatable'); // On the same line to allow builder to strip the else clause

    Assigns the _columnMap property with the parsed results of the array of
    column definitions passed.

    @method _setColumnMap
    @param {Object[]|String[]} columns the raw column configuration objects or
                                       key names
    _setColumnMap: function (columns) {
        this._columnMap = this._parseColumns(columns);

    Relays attribute assignments of the deprecated columnset attribute to the
    columns attribute.  If a Columnset is object is passed, its basic object
    structure is mined.

    @method _setColumnset
    @param {Array|Columnset} val The columnset value to relay
    @deprecated This will be removed with the deprecated columnset attribute
                in a later version.
    _setColumnset: function (val) {
        if (val && val instanceof Y.Columnset) {
            val = val.get('definitions');

        return isArray(val) ? val : INVALID;

    Accepts an object with each and getAttrs (preferably a ModelList or
    subclass) or an array of data objects.  If an array is passes, it will
    create a ModelList to wrap the data.  In doing so, it will set the created
    ModelList's model property to the class in the recordType attribute,
    which will be defaulted if not yet set.

    If the data property is already set with a ModelList, passing an array as
    the value will call the ModelList's reset() method with that array rather
    than replacing the stored ModelList wholesale.

    Any non-ModelList-ish and non-array value is invalid.

    @method _setData
    _setData: function (val) {
        if (val === null) {
            val = [];

        if (isArray(val)) {
            if (this.data) {
                if (!this.data.model && val.length) {
                    // FIXME: this should happen only once, but this is a side
                    // effect in the setter.  Bad form, but I need the model set
                    // before calling reset()
                    this.set('recordType', keys(val[0]));


                // Return true to avoid storing the data both in the state
                // object underlying the attribute and in the data property.
                // Decreases memory consumption.
                val = true;
            // else pass through the array data, but don't assign this.data
            // Let the _initData process clean up.
        } else if (val && val.each && val.getAttrs) {
            this.data = val;
            // TODO: return true to decrease memory footprint?
        } else {
            val = INVALID;

        return val;

    Stores an array of columns intended for display in the _displayColumns
    property.  This method assumes that if a column configuration object does
    not have children, it is a display column.

    @method _setDisplayColumns
    @param {Object[]} columns Column config array to extract display columns from
    _setDisplayColumns: function (columns) {
        function extract(cols) {
            var display = [],
                i, len, col;

            for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = cols[i];

                if (col.children) {
                    display.push.apply(display, extract(col.children));
                } else {

            return display;

        this._displayColumns = extract(columns);

    Relays the value assigned to the deprecated recordset attribute to the
    data attribute.  If a Recordset instance is passed, the raw object data
    will be culled from it.

    @method _setRecordset
    @param {Object[]|Recordset} val The recordset value to relay
    @deprecated This will be removed with the deprecated recordset attribute
                in a later version.
    _setRecordset: function (val) {
        var data;

        if (val && val instanceof Y.Recordset) {
            data = [];
            val.each(function (record) {
            val = data;

        return val;

    Accepts a Base subclass (preferably a Model subclass). Alternately, it will
    generate a custom Model subclass from an array of attribute names or an
    object defining attributes and their respective configurations (it is
    assigned as the ATTRS of the new class).

    Any other value is invalid.

    @method _setRecordType
    @param {Function|String[]|Object} val The Model subclass, array of
            attribute names, or the ATTRS definition for a custom model
    @return {Function} A Base/Model subclass
    _setRecordType: function (val) {
        var modelClass;

        // Duck type based on known/likely consumed APIs
        if (isFunction(val) && val.prototype.set && val.prototype.getAttrs) {
            modelClass = val;
        } else if (isObject(val)) {
            modelClass = this._createRecordClass(val);

        return modelClass || INVALID;

    Creates, removes, or updates the table's &lt;caption&gt; element per the input
    value.  Empty values result in the caption being removed.

    @method _uiSetCaption
    @param {HTML} htmlContent The content to populate the table caption
    _uiSetCaption: function (htmlContent) {
        var table   = this._tableNode,
            caption = this._captionNode,

        if (htmlContent) {
            if (!caption) {
                this._captionNode = caption = Y.Node.create(
                    fromTemplate(this.CAPTION_TEMPLATE, {
                        className: this.getClassName('caption')



        } else if (caption) {

            delete this._captionNode;

    Updates the table's summary attribute with the input value.

    @method _uiSetSummary
    _uiSetSummary: function (summary) {
        if (summary) {
            this._tableNode.setAttribute('summary', summary);
        } else {

    Sets the boundingBox and table width per the input value.

    @method _uiSetWidth
    @param {Number|String} width The width to make the table
    _uiSetWidth: function (width) {
        if (isNumber(width)) {
            // DEF_UNIT from Widget
            width += this.DEF_UNIT;

        if (isString(width)) {
            this._uiSetDim('width', width);
            this._tableNode.setStyle('width', width);

    Verifies the input value is a function with a render method on its
    prototype.  null is also accepted to remove the default View.

    @method _validateView
    _validateView: function (val) {
        // TODO support View instances?
        return val === null || (isFunction(val) && val.prototype.render);
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['model-list'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-head', function (Y) {
View class responsible for rendering the &lt;thead&gt; section of a table. Used as
the default headerView for Y.DataTable.Base and Y.DataTable classes.

Translates the provided array of column configuration objects into a rendered
&lt;thead&gt; based on the data in those objects.

The structure of the column data is expected to be a single array of objects,
where each object corresponds to a &lt;th&gt;.  Those objects may contain a
children property containing a similarly structured array to indicate the
nested cells should be grouped under the parent column's colspan in a separate
row of header cells. E.g.

new Y.DataTable.HeaderView({
  container: tableNode,
  columns: [
    { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
    { key: 'name', children: [
      { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
      { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }

This would translate to the following visualization:

|    |     name     |
|    |---------------
| id | First | Last |

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  * label     - The HTML content of the header cell.
  * key       - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
  * children  - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next
  * headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this
    column only.
  * abbr      - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the &lt;th&gt;
  * className - Adds this string of CSS classes to the column header

Through the life of instantiation and rendering, the column objects will have
the following properties added to them:

  * _colspan - To supply the &lt;th&gt; attribute
  * _rowspan - To supply the &lt;th&gt; attribute
  * _parent  - If the column is a child of another column, this points to
    its parent column
  * _yuid    - (Added by DataTable) A unique YUI generated id used as the
    &lt;th&gt;'s 'id' for reference in the data &lt;td&gt;'s 'headers' attribute.

The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder} tokens in the
instance's CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and include other
column object properties to populate them.

@module datatable-head
@class HeaderView
@namespace DataTable
@extends View
var Lang = Y.Lang,
    fromTemplate = Lang.sub,
    isArray = Lang.isArray,
    toArray = Y.Array,

    ClassNameManager = Y.ClassNameManager,
    _getClassName    = ClassNameManager.getClassName;

Y.namespace('DataTable').HeaderView = Y.Base.create('tableHeader', Y.View, [], {
    // -- Instance properties -------------------------------------------------

    Template used to create the table's header cell markup.  Override this to
    customize how these cells' markup is created.

    @property CELL_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<th id="{_yuid}" {abbr} colspan="{_colspan}" rowspan="{_rowspan}" class="{className}">{content}</th>'
        '<th id="{_yuid}" {abbr} colspan="{_colspan}" rowspan="{_rowspan}" class="{className}">{content}</th>',

    The data representation of the header rows to render.  This is assigned by
    parsing the columns configuration array, and is used by the render()

    @property columns
    @type {Array[]}
    @default (initially unset)
    //TODO: should this be protected?
    //columns: null,

    The object that serves as the source of truth for column and row data.
    This property is assigned at instantiation from the source property of
    the configuration object passed to the constructor.

    @property source
    @type {Object}
    @default (initially unset)
    //TODO: should this be protected?
    //source: null,

    Template used to create the table's header row markup.  Override this to
    customize the row markup.

    @property ROW_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<tr>{content}</tr>'

    // -- Public methods ------------------------------------------------------

    Builds a CSS class name from the provided tokens.  If the instance is
    created with cssPrefix or source in the configuration, it will use this
    prefix (the _cssPrefix of the source object) as the base token.  This
    allows class instances to generate markup with class names that correspond
    to the parent class that is consuming them.

    @method getClassName
    @param {String} token* Any number of tokens to include in the class name
    @return {String} The generated class name
    getClassName: function () {
        var args = toArray(arguments);

        return _getClassName.apply(ClassNameManager, args);

    Creates the &lt;thead&gt; Node content by assembling markup generated by
    populating the ROW_TEMPLATE and CELL_TEMPLATE templates with content
    from the columns property.
    @method render
    @return {HeaderView} The instance
    render: function () {
        var thead    = this.get('container'),
            columns  = this.columns,
            defaults = {
                _colspan: 1,
                _rowspan: 1,
                abbr: ''
            i, len, j, jlen, col, html, content, values;

        if (thead && columns) {
            html = '';

            if (columns.length) {
                for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    content = '';

                    for (j = 0, jlen = columns[i].length; j < jlen; ++j) {
                        col = columns[i][j];
                        values = Y.merge(
                            col, {
                                className: this.getClassName('header'),
                                content  : col.label || col.key ||
                                           ("Column " + (j + 1))

                        if (col.abbr) {
                            values.abbr = 'abbr="' + col.abbr + '"';

                        if (col.className) {
                            values.className += ' ' + col.className;

                        if (col._id) {
                            values.className +=
                                ' ' + this.getClassName('col', col._id);

                        content += fromTemplate(
                            col.headerTemplate || this.CELL_TEMPLATE, values);

                    html += fromTemplate(this.ROW_TEMPLATE, {
                        content: content



        return this;

    // -- Protected and private properties and methods ------------------------
    The base token for classes created with the getClassName method.

    @property _cssPrefix
    @type {String}
    @default 'yui3-table'
    _cssPrefix: ClassNameManager.getClassName('table'),

    Handles changes in the source's columns attribute.  Redraws the headers.

    @method _afterColumnsChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event object
    _afterColumnsChange: function (e) {
        this.columns = this._parseColumns(e.newVal);


    Binds event subscriptions from the UI and the source (if assigned).

    @method bindUI
    bindUI: function () {
        if (this.source && !this._eventHandles.columnsChange) {
            // TODO: How best to decouple this?
            this._eventHandles.columnsChange =
                    Y.bind('_afterColumnsChange', this));

    Destroys the instance.

    @method destructor
    destructor: function () {
        (new Y.EventHandle(Y.Object.values(this._eventHandles))).detach();

    Holds the event subscriptions needing to be detached when the instance is

    @property _eventHandles
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_eventHandles: null,

    Initializes the instance. Reads the following configuration properties:

      * columns - (REQUIRED) The initial column information
      * cssPrefix - The base string for classes generated by getClassName
      * source - The object to serve as source of truth for column info

    @method initializer
    @param {Object} config Configuration data
    initializer: function (config) {
        config || (config = {});

        var cssPrefix = config.cssPrefix || (config.source || {}).cssPrefix;

        this.source  = config.source;
        this.columns = this._parseColumns(config.columns);

        this._eventHandles = [];

        if (cssPrefix) {
            this._cssPrefix = cssPrefix;

    Translate the input column format into a structure useful for rendering a
    &lt;thead&gt;, rows, and cells.  The structure of the input is expected to be a
    single array of objects, where each object corresponds to a &lt;th&gt;.  Those
    objects may contain a children property containing a similarly structured
    array to indicate the nested cells should be grouped under the parent
    column's colspan in a separate row of header cells. E.g.

      { key: 'id' }, // no nesting
      { key: 'name', children: [
        { key: 'firstName', label: 'First' },
        { key: 'lastName',  label: 'Last' } ] }

    would indicate two header rows with the first column 'id' being assigned a
    rowspan of 2, the 'name' column appearing in the first row with a
    colspan of 2, and the 'firstName' and 'lastName' columns appearing in
    the second row, below the 'name' column.

    |    |     name     |
    |    |---------------
    | id | First | Last |

    Supported properties of the column objects include:

      * label    - The HTML content of the header cell.
      * key      - If label is not specified, the key is used for content.
      * children - Array of columns to appear below this column in the next
      * abbr     - The content of the 'abbr' attribute of the &lt;th&gt;
      * headerTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells
        in this column only.

    The output structure is basically a simulation of the &lt;thead&gt; structure
    with arrays for rows and objects for cells.  Column objects have the
    following properties added to them:
      * colspan - Per the &lt;th&gt; attribute
      * rowspan - Per the &lt;th&gt; attribute
      * parent  - If the column is a child of another column, this points to
        its parent column
      * _yuid   - A unique YUI generated id used as the &lt;th&gt;'s 'id' for
        reference in the data &lt;td&gt;'s 'headers' attribute.

    The column object is also used to provide values for {placeholder}
    replacement in the CELL_TEMPLATE, so you can modify the template and
    include other column object properties to populate them.

    @method _parseColumns
    @param {Object[]} data Array of column object data
    @return {Array[]} An array of arrays corresponding to the header row
            structure to render
    _parseColumns: function (data) {
        var columns = [],
            stack = [],
            rowSpan = 1,
            entry, row, col, children, parent, i, len, j;
        if (isArray(data) && data.length) {
            // First pass, assign colspans and calculate row count for
            // non-nested headers' rowspan
            stack.push([data, -1]);

            while (stack.length) {
                entry = stack[stack.length - 1];
                row   = entry[0];
                i     = entry[1] + 1;

                for (len = row.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    col = row[i];
                    children = col.children;


                    if (isArray(children) && children.length) {
                        stack.push([children, -1]);
                        entry[1] = i;

                        rowSpan = Math.max(rowSpan, stack.length);

                        // break to let the while loop process the children
                    } else {
                        col._colspan = 1;

                if (i >= len) {
                    // All columns in this row are processed
                    if (stack.length > 1) {
                        entry  = stack[stack.length - 2];
                        parent = entry[0][entry[1]];

                        parent._colspan = 0;

                        for (i = 0, len = row.length; i < len; ++i) {
                            // Can't use .length because in 3+ rows, colspan
                            // needs to aggregate the colspans of children
                            parent._colspan += row[i]._colspan;

                            // Assign the parent column for ease of navigation
                            row[i]._parent = parent;

            // Second pass, build row arrays and assign rowspan
            for (i = 0; i < rowSpan; ++i) {

            stack.push([data, -1]);

            while (stack.length) {
                entry = stack[stack.length - 1];
                row   = entry[0];
                i     = entry[1] + 1;

                for (len = row.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    col = row[i];
                    children = col.children;

                    columns[stack.length - 1].push(col);

                    entry[1] = i;

                    // collect the IDs of parent cols
                    col._headers = [col._yuid];

                    for (j = stack.length - 2; j >= 0; --j) {
                        parent = stack[j][0][stack[j][1]];


                    if (children && children.length) {
                        // parent cells must assume rowspan 1 (long story)

                        // break to let the while loop process the children
                        stack.push([children, -1]);
                    } else {
                        col._rowspan = rowSpan - stack.length + 1;

                if (i >= len) {
                    // All columns in this row are processed

        return columns;
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['view', 'gallery-datatable-350-preview-core'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-body', function (Y) {
View class responsible for rendering the &lt;tbody&gt; section of a table. Used as
the default bodyView for Y.DataTable.Base and Y.DataTable classes.

Translates the provided modelList into a rendered &lt;tbody&gt; based on the data
in the constituent Models, altered or ammended by any special column

The columns configuration, passed to the constructor, determines which
columns will be rendered.

The rendering process involves constructing an HTML template for a complete row
of data, built by concatenating a customized copy of the instance's
CELL_TEMPLATE into the ROW_TEMPLATE once for each column.  This template is
then populated with values from each Model in the modelList, aggregating a
complete HTML string of all row and column data.  A &lt;tbody&gt; Node is then created from the markup and any column nodeFormatters are applied.

Supported properties of the column objects include:

  * key - Used to link a column to an attribute in a Model.
  * name - Used for columns that don't relate to an attribute in the Model
    (formatter or nodeFormatter only) if the implementer wants a
    predictable name to refer to in their CSS.
  * cellTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in this
    column only.
  * formatter - Used to customize or override the content value from the
    Model.  These do not have access to the cell or row Nodes and should
    return string (HTML) content.
  * nodeFormatter - Used to provide content for a cell as well as perform any
    custom modifications on the cell or row Node that could not be performed by
    formatters.  Should be used sparingly for better performance.
  * emptyCellValue - String (HTML) value to use if the Model data for a
    column, or the content generated by a formatter, is the empty string,
    null, or undefined.
  * allowHTML - Set to true if a column value, formatter, or
    emptyCellValue can contain HTML.  This defaults to false to protect
    against XSS.
  * className - Space delimited CSS classes to add to all &lt;td&gt;s in a column.

Column formatters are passed an object (o) with the following properties:

  * value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if any.
  * data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
  * record - The Model instance.
  * column - The column configuration object for the current column.
  * className - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS 
    classes to the cell's &lt;td&gt;.
  * rowIndex - The zero-based row number.
  * rowClass - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS
    classes to the cell's containing row &lt;tr&gt;.

They may return a value or update o.value to assign specific HTML content.  A
returned value has higher precedence.

Column nodeFormatters are passed an object (o) with the following

  * value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if any.
  * td - The &lt;td&gt; Node instance.
  * cell - The &lt;div&gt; liner Node instance if present, otherwise, the &lt;td&gt;.
    When adding content to the cell, prefer appending into this property.
  * data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
  * record - The Model instance.
  * column - The column configuration object for the current column.
  * rowIndex - The zero-based row number.

They are expected to inject content into the cell's Node directly, including
any "empty" cell content.  Each nodeFormatter will have access through the
Node API to all cells and rows in the &lt;tbody&gt;, but not to the &lt;table&gt;, as
it will not be attached yet.

If a nodeFormatter returns false, the o.td and o.cell Nodes will be
destroy()ed to remove them from the Node cache and free up memory.  The DOM
elements will remain as will any content added to them.  _It is highly
advisable to always return false from your nodeFormatters_.

@module datatable-body
@class BodyView
@namespace DataTable
@extends View
var Lang         = Y.Lang,
    isArray      = Lang.isArray,
    fromTemplate = Lang.sub,
    htmlEscape   = Y.Escape.html,
    toArray      = Y.Array,
    bind         = Y.bind,
    YObject      = Y.Object,

    ClassNameManager = Y.ClassNameManager,
    _getClassName    = ClassNameManager.getClassName;

Y.namespace('DataTable').BodyView = Y.Base.create('tableBody', Y.View, [], {
    // -- Instance properties -------------------------------------------------

    HTML template used to create table cells.

    @property CELL_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<td {headers} class="{className}">{content}</td>'
    CELL_TEMPLATE: '<td {headers} class="{className}">{content}</td>',

    CSS class applied to even rows.  This is assigned at instantiation after
    setting up the _cssPrefix for the instance.
    For DataTable, this will be yui3-datatable-even.

    @property CLASS_EVEN
    @type {String}
    @default 'yui3-table-even'
    //CLASS_EVEN: null

    CSS class applied to odd rows.  This is assigned at instantiation after
    setting up the _cssPrefix for the instance.
    When used by DataTable instances, this will be yui3-datatable-odd.

    @property CLASS_ODD
    @type {String}
    @default 'yui3-table-odd'
    //CLASS_ODD: null

    HTML template used to create table rows.

    @property ROW_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<tr id="{rowId}" class="{rowClass}">{content}</tr>'
    ROW_TEMPLATE : '<tr id="{rowId}" class="{rowClass}">{content}</tr>',

    The object that serves as the source of truth for column and row data.
    This property is assigned at instantiation from the source property of
    the configuration object passed to the constructor.

    @property source
    @type {Object}
    @default (initially unset)
    //TODO: should this be protected?
    //source: null,

    // -- Public methods ------------------------------------------------------

    Returns the &lt;td&gt; Node from the given row and column index.  If there is
    no cell at the given coordinates, null is returned.

    @method getCell
    @param {Number} row Zero based index of the row with the target cell
    @param {Number} col Zero based index of the column with the target cell
    @return {Node}
    getCell: function (row, col) {
        var tbody = this.get('container'),

        if (tbody) {
            el = tbody.getDOMNode().rows[+row];
            el && (el = el.cells[+col]);
        return Y.one(el);

    Builds a CSS class name from the provided tokens.  If the instance is
    created with cssPrefix or source in the configuration, it will use this
    prefix (the _cssPrefix of the source object) as the base token.  This
    allows class instances to generate markup with class names that correspond
    to the parent class that is consuming them.

    @method getClassName
    @param {String} token* Any number of tokens to include in the class name
    @return {String} The generated class name
    getClassName: function () {
        var args = toArray(arguments);

        return _getClassName.apply(ClassNameManager, args);

    Returns the &lt;tr&gt; Node from the given row index.  If there is
    no row at the given index, null is returned.

    @method getRow
    @param {Number} row Zero based index of the row
    @return {Node}
    // TODO: Support index as clientId => container.one('> #' + index)?
    getRow: function (index) {
        var tbody = this.get('container');

        return Y.one(tbody && tbody.getDOMNode().rows[+index]);

    Creates the table's &lt;tbody&gt; content by assembling markup generated by
    populating the ROW\_TEMPLATE, and CELL\_TEMPLATE templates with content
    from the columns property and modelList attribute.

    The rendering process happens in three stages:

    1. A row template is assembled from the columns property (see

    2. An HTML string is built up by concatening the application of the data in
       each Model in the modelList to the row template. For cells with
       formatters, the function is called to generate cell content. Cells
       with nodeFormatters are ignored. For all other cells, the data value
       from the Model attribute for the given column key is used.  The
       accumulated row markup is then inserted into the container.

    3. If any column is configured with a nodeFormatter, the modelList is
       iterated again to apply the nodeFormatters.

    Supported properties of the column objects include:

      * key - Used to link a column to an attribute in a Model.
      * name - Used for columns that don't relate to an attribute in the Model
        (formatter or nodeFormatter only) if the implementer wants a
        predictable name to refer to in their CSS.
      * cellTemplate - Overrides the instance's CELL_TEMPLATE for cells in
        this column only.
      * formatter - Used to customize or override the content value from the
        Model.  These do not have access to the cell or row Nodes and should
        return string (HTML) content.
      * nodeFormatter - Used to provide content for a cell as well as perform
        any custom modifications on the cell or row Node that could not be
        performed by formatters.  Should be used sparingly for better
      * emptyCellValue - String (HTML) value to use if the Model data for a
        column, or the content generated by a formatter, is the empty string,
        null, or undefined.
      * allowHTML - Set to true if a column value, formatter, or
        emptyCellValue can contain HTML.  This defaults to false to protect
        against XSS.
      * className - Space delimited CSS classes to add to all &lt;td&gt;s in a

    Column formatters are passed an object (o) with the following

      * value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if
      * data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
      * record - The Model instance.
      * column - The column configuration object for the current column.
      * className - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS 
        classes to the cell's &lt;td&gt;.
      * rowIndex - The zero-based row number.
      * rowClass - Initially empty string to allow formatters to add CSS
        classes to the cell's containing row &lt;tr&gt;.

    They may return a value or update o.value to assign specific HTML
    content.  A returned value has higher precedence.

    Column nodeFormatters are passed an object (o) with the following

      * value - The current value of the column's associated attribute, if
      * td - The &lt;td&gt; Node instance.
      * cell - The &lt;div&gt; liner Node instance if present, otherwise, the
        &lt;td&gt;.  When adding content to the cell, prefer appending into this
      * data - An object map of Model keys to their current values.
      * record - The Model instance.
      * column - The column configuration object for the current column.
      * rowIndex - The zero-based row number.

    They are expected to inject content into the cell's Node directly, including
    any "empty" cell content.  Each nodeFormatter will have access through the
    Node API to all cells and rows in the &lt;tbody&gt;, but not to the &lt;table&gt;,
    as it will not be attached yet.

    If a nodeFormatter returns false, the o.td and o.cell Nodes will be
    destroy()ed to remove them from the Node cache and free up memory.  The
    DOM elements will remain as will any content added to them.  _It is highly
    advisable to always return false from your nodeFormatters_.

    @method render
    @return {BodyView} The instance
    render: function () {
        var tbody   = this.get('container'),
            data    = this.get('modelList'),
            columns = this.columns;

        // Needed for mutation

        if (tbody && data) {

            this._applyNodeFormatters(tbody, columns);


        return this;

    // -- Protected and private methods ---------------------------------------
    Handles changes in the source's columns attribute.  Redraws the table data.

    @method _afterColumnChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event object
    // TODO: Preserve existing DOM
    // This will involve parsing and comparing the old and new column configs
    // and reacting to four types of changes:
    // 1. formatter, nodeFormatter, emptyCellValue changes
    // 2. column deletions
    // 3. column additions
    // 4. column moves (preserve cells)
    _afterColumnsChange: function (e) {
        this.columns = this._parseColumns(e.newVal);

    Handles modelList changes, including additions, deletions, and updates.

    Modifies the existing table DOM accordingly.

    @method _afterDataChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The change event from the ModelList
    _afterDataChange: function (e) {
        // Baseline view will just rerender the tbody entirely

    Iterates the modelList, and calls any nodeFormatters found in the
    columns param on the appropriate cell Nodes in the tbody.

    @method _applyNodeFormatters
    @param {Node} tbody The &lt;tbody&gt; Node whose columns to update
    @param {Object[]} columns The column configurations
    _applyNodeFormatters: function (tbody, columns) {
        var source = this.source,
            data = this.get('modelList'),
            formatters = [],
            tbodyNode  = tbody.getDOMNode(),
            linerQuery = '.' + this.getClassName('liner'),
            i, len;

        // Only iterate the ModelList again if there are nodeFormatters
        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            if (columns[i].nodeFormatter) {

        if (data && formatters.length) {
            data.each(function (record, index) {
                var formatterData = {
                        data      : record.toJSON(),
                        record    : record,
                        rowIndex  : index
                    row = tbodyNode.rows[index],
                    i, len, col, key, cell, keep;

                if (row) {
                    for (i = 0, len = formatters.length; i < len; ++i) {
                        cell = Y.one(row.cells[formatters[i]]);

                        if (cell) {
                            col = formatterData.column = columns[formatters[i]];
                            key = col.key || col._yuid;

                            formatterData.value = record.get(key);
                            formatterData.td    = cell;
                            formatterData.cell  = cell.one(linerQuery) || cell;

                            keep = col.nodeFormatter.call(source,formatterData);

                            if (keep === false) {
                                // Remove from the Node cache to reduce
                                // memory footprint.  This also purges events,
                                // which you shouldn't be scoping to a cell
                                // anyway.  You've been warned.  Incidentally,
                                // you should always return false. Just sayin.

    Binds event subscriptions from the UI and the source (if assigned).

    @method bindUI
    bindUI: function () {
        var handles = this._eventHandles,
            data    = this.get('modelList');

        if (this.source && !handles.columnsChange) {
            handles.columnsChange =
                    bind('_afterColumnsChange', this));

        if (!handles.dataChange) {
            handles.dataChange = 
                data.after(['*:change', 'add', 'remove', 'reset'],
                    bind('_afterDataChange', this));

    The base token for classes created with the getClassName method.

    @property _cssPrefix
    @type {String}
    @default 'yui3-table'
    _cssPrefix: ClassNameManager.getClassName('table'),

    Iterates the modelList and applies each Model to the _rowTemplate,
    allowing any column formatter or emptyCellValue to override cell
    content for the appropriate column.  The aggregated HTML string is

    @method _createDataHTML
    @param {Object[]} columns The column configurations to customize the
                generated cell content or class names
    @return {HTML} The markup for all Models in the modelList, each applied
                to the _rowTemplate
    _createDataHTML: function (columns) {
        var data = this.get('modelList'),
            html = '';

        if (data) {
            data.each(function (model, index) {
                html += this._createRowHTML(model, index);
            }, this);

        return html;

    Applies the data of a given Model, modified by any column formatters and
    supplemented by other template values to the instance's _rowTemplate (see
    _createRowTemplate).  The generated string is then returned.

    The data from Model's attributes is fetched by toJSON and this data
    object is appended with other properties to supply values to {placeholders}
    in the template.  For a template generated from a Model with 'foo' and 'bar'
    attributes, the data object would end up with the following properties
    before being used to populate the _rowTemplate:

      * clientID - From Model, used the assign the &lt;tr&gt;'s 'id' attribute.
      * foo - The value to populate the 'foo' column cell content.  This
        value will be the value stored in the Model's foo attribute, or the
        result of the column's formatter if assigned.  If the value is '', 
        null, or undefined, and the column's emptyCellValue is assigned,
        that value will be used.
      * bar - Same for the 'bar' column cell content.
      * foo-className - String of CSS classes to apply to the &lt;td&gt;.
      * bar-className - Same.
      * rowClass      - String of CSS classes to apply to the &lt;tr&gt;. This
        will be the odd/even class per the specified index plus any additional
        classes assigned by column formatters (via o.rowClass).

    Because this object is available to formatters, any additional properties
    can be added to fill in custom {placeholders} in the _rowTemplate.

    @method _createRowHTML
    @param {Model} model The Model instance to apply to the row template
    @param {Number} index The index the row will be appearing
    @return {HTML} The markup for the provided Model, less any nodeFormatters
    _createRowHTML: function (model, index) {
        var data    = model.toJSON(),
            values  = {
                rowId   : model.get('clientId'),
                rowClass: (index % 2) ? this.CLASS_ODD : this.CLASS_EVEN
            source  = this.source || this,
            columns = this.columns,
            i, len, col, token, value, formatterData;

        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            col   = columns[i];
            value = data[col.key];
            token = col._id;

            values[token + '-className'] = '';

            if (col.formatter) {
                formatterData = {
                    value    : value,
                    data     : data,
                    column   : col,
                    record   : model,
                    className: '',
                    rowClass : '',
                    rowIndex : index

                if (typeof col.formatter === 'string') {
                    if (value !== undefined) {
                        // TODO: look for known formatters by string name
                        value = fromTemplate(col.formatter, formatterData);
                } else {
                    // Formatters can either return a value
                    value = col.formatter.call(source, formatterData);

                    // or update the value property of the data obj passed
                    if (value === undefined) {
                        value = formatterData.value;

                    values[token + '-className'] = formatterData.className;
                    values.rowClass += ' ' + formatterData.rowClass;

            if (value === undefined || value === null || value === '') {
                value = col.emptyCellValue || '';

            values[token] = col.allowHTML ? value : htmlEscape(value);

            values.rowClass = values.rowClass.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');

        return fromTemplate(this._rowTemplate, values);

    Creates a custom HTML template string for use in generating the markup for
    individual table rows with {placeholder}s to capture data from the Models
    in the modelList attribute or from column formatters.

    Assigns the _rowTemplate property.

    @method _createRowTemplate
    @param {Object[]} columns Array of column configuration objects
    _createRowTemplate: function (columns) {
        var html         = '',
            cellTemplate = this.CELL_TEMPLATE,
            i, len, col, key, token, headers, tokenValues;

        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            col     = columns[i];
            key     = col.key;
            token   = col._id;
            // Only include headers if there are more than one
            headers = (col._headers || []).length > 1 ?
                        'headers="' + col._headers.join(' ') + '"' : '';

            tokenValues = {
                content  : '{' + token + '}',
                headers  : headers,
                className: this.getClassName('col', token) + ' ' +
                           (col.className || '') + ' ' +
                           this.getClassName('cell') +
                           ' {' + token + '-className}'

            if (col.nodeFormatter) {
                // Defer all node decoration to the formatter
                tokenValues.content = '';

            html += fromTemplate(col.cellTemplate || cellTemplate, tokenValues);

        this._rowTemplate = fromTemplate(this.ROW_TEMPLATE, {
            content: html

    Destroys the instance.

    @method destructor
    destructor: function () {
        (new Y.EventHandle(YObject.values(this._eventHandles))).detach();

    Holds the event subscriptions needing to be detached when the instance is

    @property _eventHandles
    @type {Object}
    @default undefined (initially unset)
    //_eventHandles: null,

    Initializes the instance. Reads the following configuration properties in
    addition to the instance attributes:

      * columns - (REQUIRED) The initial column information
      * cssPrefix - The base string for classes generated by getClassName
      * source - The object to serve as source of truth for column info

    @method initializer
    @param {Object} config Configuration data
    initializer: function (config) {
        var cssPrefix = config.cssPrefix || (config.source || {}).cssPrefix;

        this.source  = config.source;
        this.columns = this._parseColumns(config.columns);

        this._eventHandles = {};

        if (cssPrefix) {
            this._cssPrefix = cssPrefix;

        this.CLASS_ODD  = this.getClassName('odd');
        this.CLASS_EVEN = this.getClassName('even');

    Flattens an array of potentially nested column configurations into a single
    depth array of data columns.  Columns that have children are disregarded in
    favor of searching their child columns.  The resulting array corresponds 1:1
    with columns that will contain data in the &lt;tbody&gt;.

    @method _parseColumns
    @param {Object[]} data Array of unfiltered column configuration objects
    @param {Object[]} columns Working array of data columns. Used for recursion.
    @return {Object[]} Only those columns that will be rendered.
    _parseColumns: function (data, columns) {
        var col, i, len;
        columns || (columns = []);

        if (isArray(data) && data.length) {
            for (i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = data[i];

                if (typeof col === 'string') {
                    col = { key: col };

                if (col.key || col.formatter || col.nodeFormatter) {
                    col.index = columns.length;
                } else if (col.children) {
                    this._parseColumns(col.children, columns);

        return columns;

    The HTML template used to create a full row of markup for a single Model in
    the modelList plus any customizations defined in the column

    @property _rowTemplate
    @type {HTML}
    @default (initially unset)
    //_rowTemplate: null
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['view', 'gallery-datatable-350-preview-core'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-base', function (Y) {
A Widget for displaying tabular data.  The base implementation of DataTable
provides the ability to dynamically generate an HTML table from a set of column
configurations and row data.

Two classes are included in the datatable-base module:

1. Y.DataTable - Main instantiable class, has all loaded features available
2. Y.DataTable.Base - Featureless version for use primarily as a superclass.

Example usage might look like this:

// Featureless table, usually used as a subclass, but can be instantiated
var table = new Y.DataTable.Base({
    columns: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
    data: [
        { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Zappa', age: 71 },
        { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Lloyd Wright', age: 144 },
        { firstName: 'Albert', lastName: 'Einstein', age: 132 },


// Table with all loaded features available (not .Base)
// The functionality of this table would require additional modules be use()d,
// but the feature APIs are aggregated onto Y.DataTable.
// (Snippet is for illustration. Not all features are available today.)
var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [
        { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true },
        { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true },
        { key: 'lastName', sortable: true },
        { key: 'role', formatter: toRoleName }
    data: {
        source: 'http://myserver.com/service/json',
        type: 'json',
        schema: {
            resultListLocator: 'results.users',
            fields: [
                { key: 'role', type: 'number' }
    recordType: UserModel,
    pagedData: {
        location: 'footer',
        pageSizes: [20, 50, 'all'],
        rowsPerPage: 20,
        pageLinks: 5
    editable: true,
    filterable: true

### Column Configuration

The column configurations are set in the form of an array of objects, where
each object corresponds to a column.  For columns populated directly from the
row data, a 'key' property is required to bind the column to that property or
attribute in the row data.

Not all columns need to relate to row data, nor do all properties or attributes
of the row data need to have a corresponding column.  However, only those
columns included in the columns configuration attribute will be rendered.

Other column configuration properties are supported by the configured
headerView, bodyView, footerView classes as well as any features added by
plugins or class extensions.  See the description of DataTable.HeaderView,
DataTable.BodyView, and other DataTable feature classes to see what column
properties they support.

Some examples of column configurations would be:

// Basic
var columns = [{ key: 'firstName' }, { key: 'lastName' }, { key: 'age' }];

// For columns without any additional configuration, strings can be used
var columns = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'];

// Multi-row column headers (see DataTable.HeaderView for details)
var columns = [
        label: 'Name',
        children: [
            { key: 'firstName' },
            { key: 'lastName' }
    'age' // mixing and matching objects and strings is ok

// Including columns that are not related 1:1 to row data fields/attributes
// (See DataTable.BodyView for details)
var columns = [
        label: 'Name', // Needed for the column header
        formatter: function (o) {
            // Fill the column cells with data from firstName and lastName
            if (o.data.age > 55) {
                o.classnames += ' senior';
            return o.data.lastName + ', ' + o.data.firstName;

// Columns that include feature configurations (for illustration; not all
// features are available today).
var columns = [
    { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true },
    { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' },
    { key: 'lastName', sortable: true, resizable: true, min-width: '300px' },
    { key: 'age', emptyCellValue: '<em>unknown</em>' }

### Row Data Configuration

The data configuration attribute is responsible for housing the data objects that will be rendered as rows.  You can provide this information in two ways by default:

1. An array of simple objects with key:value pairs
2. A ModelList of Base-based class instances (presumably Model subclass

If an array of objects is passed, it will be translated into a ModelList filled
with instances of the class provided to the recordType attribute.  This
attribute can also create a custom Model subclass from an array of field names
or an object of attribute configurations.  If no recordType is provided, one
will be created for you from available information (see _initRecordType).
Providing either your own ModelList instance for data, or at least Model
class for recordType, is the best way to control client-server
synchronization when modifying data on the client side.

The ModelList instance that manages the table's data is available in the data
property on the DataTable instance.

### Rendering

Table rendering is a collaborative process between the DataTable and its
configured headerView, bodyView, and footerView.  The DataTable renders
the &lt;table&gt; and &lt;caption&gt;, but the contents of the table are delegated to
instances of the classes provided to the headerView, bodyView, and
footerView attributes. If any of these attributes is unset, that portion of
the table won't be rendered.

DataTable.Base assigns the default headerView to Y.DataTable.HeaderView and
the default bodyView to Y.DataTable.BodyView, though either can be
overridden for custom rendering.  No default footerView is assigned. See
those classes for more details about how they operate.

@module datatable-base

// DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work
A Widget for displaying tabular data.  Before feature modules are use()d,
this class is functionally equivalent to DataTable.Base.  However, feature
modules can modify this class in non-destructive ways, expanding the API and

This is the primary DataTable class.  Out of the box, it provides the ability
to dynamically generate an HTML table from a set of column configurations and
row data.  But feature module inclusion can add table sorting, pagintaion,
highlighting, selection, and more.

// Basic use
var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
    data: [
        { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Zappa', age: 71 },
        { firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Lloyd Wright', age: 144 },
        { firstName: 'Albert', lastName: 'Einstein', age: 132 },


// Table with loaded features.
// The functionality of this table would require additional modules be use()d,
// but the feature APIs are aggregated onto Y.DataTable.
// (Snippet is for illustration. Not all features are available today.)
var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [
        { type: 'checkbox', defaultChecked: true },
        { key: 'firstName', sortable: true, resizable: true },
        { key: 'lastName', sortable: true },
        { key: 'role', formatter: toRoleName }
    data: {
        source: 'http://myserver.com/service/json',
        type: 'json',
        schema: {
            resultListLocator: 'results.users',
            fields: [
                { key: 'role', type: 'number' }
    recordType: UserModel,
    pagedData: {
        location: 'footer',
        pageSizes: [20, 50, 'all'],
        rowsPerPage: 20,
        pageLinks: 5
    editable: true,
    filterable: true

@class DataTable
@extends DataTable.Base

// DataTable API docs included before DataTable.Base to make yuidoc work
The baseline implementation of a DataTable.  This class should be used
primarily as a superclass for a custom DataTable with a specific set of
features.  Because features can be composed onto Y.DataTable, custom
subclasses of DataTable.Base will remain unmodified when new feature modules
are loaded.

DataTable.Base is built from DataTable.Core, and sets the default headerView
to Y.DataTable.HeaderView and default bodyView to Y.DataTable.BodyView.

@class Base
@extends Widget
@uses DataTable.Core
@namespace DataTable
Y.DataTable.Base = Y.Base.create('datatable', Y.Widget, [Y.DataTable.Core],
    null, {
        ATTRS: {
            // Default head and body views
            headerView: { value: Y.DataTable.HeaderView },
            bodyView  : { value: Y.DataTable.BodyView }

// The DataTable API docs are above DataTable.Base docs.
Y.DataTable = Y.mix(
    Y.Base.create('datatable', Y.DataTable.Base, []), // Create the class
    Y.DataTable); // Migrate static and namespaced classes
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['model-list', 'view', 'base-build', 'widget', 'escape', 'gallery-datatable-350-preview-core'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-mutable', function (Y) {
var toArray = Y.Array,
    YLang   = Y.Lang,
    isString = YLang.isString,
    isArray  = YLang.isArray,
    isObject = YLang.isObject,
    isNumber = YLang.isNumber,
    arrayIndex = Y.Array.indexOf,

Adds mutation convenience methods to Y.DataTable (or other built class).

Column mutation methods are paired with new custom events:

 * addColumn
 * removeColumn
 * modifyColumn
 * moveColumn

Row mutation events are bubbled from the DataTable's data ModelList through
the DataTable instance.

@module datatable-mutable
@class DataTable.Mutable
@for DataTable

Y.namespace('DataTable').Mutable = Mutable = function () {};

Controls whether addRow, removeRow, and modifyRow should trigger the
underlying Model's sync layer by default.

When true, it is unnecessary to pass the "sync" configuration property to
those methods to trigger per-operation sync.

@attribute autoSync
@type {Boolean}
@default false
Mutable.ATTRS = {
    autoSync: {
        value: false,
        validator: YLang.isBoolean

Y.mix(Mutable.prototype, {
    Adds the column configuration to the DataTable's columns configuration.
    If the index parameter is supplied, it is injected at that index.  If the
    table has nested headers, inject a subcolumn by passing an array of indexes
    to identify the new column's final location.

    The index parameter is required if adding a nested column.

    This method is a convienience method for fetching the DataTable's columns
    attribute, updating it, and calling 
    table.set('columns', _updatedColumnsDefs_)

    For example:

    <pre><code>// Becomes last column

    // Inserted after the current second column, moving the current third column
    // to index 4
    table.addColumn({ key: 'price', formatter: currencyFormatter }, 2 );

    // Insert a new column in a set of headers three rows deep.  The index array
    // translates to
    // [ 2, --  in the third column's children
    //   1, --  in the second child's children
    //   3 ] -- as the fourth child column
    table.addColumn({ key: 'age', sortable: true }, [ 2, 1, 3 ]);

    @method addColumn
    @param {Object|String} config The new column configuration object
    @param {Number|Number[]} [index] the insertion index
    @return {DataTable}
    addColumn: function (config, index) {
        if (isString(config)) {
            config = { key: config };

        if (config) {
            if (arguments.length < 2 || (!isNumber(index) && !isArray(index))) {
                index = this.get('columns').length;

            this.fire('addColumn', {
                column: config,
                index: index
        return this;

    Updates an existing column definition. Fires the modifyColumn event.

    For example:

    <pre><code>// Add a formatter to the existing 'price' column definition
    table.modifyColumn('price', { formatter: currencyFormatter });

    // Change the label on a header cell in a set of nested headers three rows
    // deep.  The index array translates to
    // [ 2,  -- in the third column's children
    //   1,  -- the second child
    //   3 ] -- the fourth child column
    table.modifyColumn([2, 1, 3], { label: 'Experience' });

    @method modifyColumn
    @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                current configuration object
    @param {Object} config The new column configuration properties
    @return {DataTable}
    modifyColumn: function (name, config) {
        if (isString(config)) {
            config = { key: config };

        if (isObject(config)) {
            this.fire('modifyColumn', {
                column: name,
                newColumnDef: config

        return this;

    Moves an existing column to a new location. Fires the moveColumn event.

    The destination index can be a number or array of numbers to place a column
    header in a nested header row.

    @method moveColumn
    @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                current configuration object
    @param {Number|Number[]} index The destination index of the column
    @return {DataTable}
    moveColumn: function (name, index) {
        if (name && (isNumber(index) || isArray(index))) {
            this.fire('moveColumn', {
                column: name,
                index: index

        return this;

    Removes an existing column. Fires the removeColumn event.

    @method removeColumn
    @param {String|Number|Number[]|Object} name The column key, name, index, or
                current configuration object
    @return {DataTable}
    removeColumn: function (name) {
        if (name) {
            this.fire('removeColumn', {
                column: name

        return this;

    Adds a new record to the DataTable's data ModelList.  Record data can be
    an object of field values or an instance of the DataTable's configured
    recordType class.

    This relays all parameters to the data ModelList's add method.

    If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
    has sync: true set, the underlying Model will be save()d.

    If the DataTable's autoSync attribute is set to true, the additional
    argument is not needed.

    If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
    as a callback to the Model's save() method.

    @method addRow
    @param {Object} data The data or Model instance for the new record
    @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
    @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's save()
      @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
        failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
        succeeded, _err_ will be null.
      @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
        be passed to the parse() method, which is expected to parse it and
        return an attribute hash.
    @return {DataTable}
    addRow: function (data, config) {
        // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
        var sync = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                config.sync :
            models, model, i, len, args;

        if (this.data) {
            models = this.data.add.apply(this.data, arguments);

            if (sync) {
                models = toArray(models);
                args   = toArray(arguments, 1, true);

                for (i = 0, len = models.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    model = models[i];

                    if (model.isNew()) {
                        models[i].save.apply(models[i], args);

        return this;

    Removes a record from the DataTable's data ModelList.  The record can be
    provided explicitly or targeted by it's id (see ModelList's getById
    method), clientId, or index in the ModelList.

    After locating the target Model, this relays the Model and all other passed
    arguments to the data ModelList's remove method.

    If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
    has sync: true set, the underlying Model will be destroyed, passing
    { delete: true } to trigger calling the Model's sync layer.

    If the DataTable's autoSync attribute is set to true, the additional
    argument is not needed.

    If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
    as a callback to the Model's destroy() method.

    @method removeRow
    @param {Object|String|Number} id The Model instance or identifier 
    @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
    @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's save()
      @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
        failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
        succeeded, _err_ will be null.
      @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
        be passed to the parse() method, which is expected to parse it and
        return an attribute hash.
    @return {DataTable}
    removeRow: function (id, config) {
        var modelList = this.data,
            // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
            sync      = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                            config.sync :
            models, model, i, len, args;

        // TODO: support removing via DOM element. This should be relayed to View
        if (isObject(id) && id instanceof this.get('recordType')) {
            model = id;
        } else if (modelList && id !== undefined) {
            model = modelList.getById(id) ||
                    modelList.getByClientId(id) ||

        if (model) {
            args = toArray(arguments, 1, true);

            models = modelList.remove.apply(modelList,

            if (sync) {
                if (!isObject(args[0])) {

                args[0]['delete'] = true;

                models = toArray(models);

                for (i = 0, len = models.length; i < len; ++i) {
                    model = models[i];
                    model.destroy.apply(model, args);

        return this;

    Updates an existing record in the DataTable's data ModelList.  The record
    can be provided explicitly or targeted by it's id (see ModelList's
    getById method), clientId, or index in the ModelList.

    After locating the target Model, this relays the all other passed
    arguments to the Model's setAttrs method.

    If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
    has sync: true set, the underlying Model will be save()d.

    If the DataTable's autoSync attribute is set to true, the additional
    argument is not needed.

    If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
    as a callback to the Model's save() method.

    @method modifyRow
    @param {Object|String|Number} id The Model instance or identifier 
    @param {Object} data New data values for the Model
    @param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along to setAttrs()
    @param {Function} [callback] Callback function for Model's save()
      @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
        failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
        succeeded, _err_ will be null.
      @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
        be passed to the parse() method, which is expected to parse it and
        return an attribute hash.
    @return {DataTable}
    modifyRow: function (id, data, config) {
        var modelList = this.data,
            // Allow autoSync: true + addRow({ data }, { sync: false })
            sync      = (config && ('sync' in config)) ?
                            config.sync :
            model, args;

        if (isObject(id) && id instanceof this.get('recordType')) {
            model = id;
        } else if (modelList && id !== undefined) {
            model = modelList.getById(id) ||
                    modelList.getByClientId(id) ||

        if (model && isObject(data)) {
            args = toArray(arguments, 1, true);

            model.setAttrs.apply(model, args);

            if (sync && !model.isNew()) {
                model.save.apply(model, args);

        return this;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Protected properties and methods
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Default function for the addColumn event.

    Inserts the specified column at the provided index.

    @method _defAddColumnFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The addColumn event
        @param {Object} e.column The new column definition object
        @param {Number|Number[]} e.index The array index to insert the new column
    _defAddColumnFn: function (e) {
        var index   = toArray(e.index),
            columns = this.get('columns'),
            cols    = columns,
            i, len;

        for (i = 0, len = index.length - 1; cols && i < len; ++i) {
            cols = cols[index[i]] && cols[index[i]].children;

        if (cols) {
            cols.splice(index[i], 0, e.column);

            this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
        } else { Y.log('addColumn index not findable', 'warn', 'datatable');

    Default function for the modifyColumn event.

    Mixes the new column properties into the specified column definition.

    @method _defModifyColumnFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The modifyColumn event
        @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
        @param {Object} e.newColumnDef The properties to assign to the column
    _defModifyColumnFn: function (e) {
        var columns = this.get('columns'),
            column  = this.getColumn(e.column);

        if (column) {
            Y.mix(column, e.newColumnDef, true);
            this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
        } else { Y.log('Could not locate column index to modify column', 'warn', 'datatable');

    Default function for the moveColumn event.

    Removes the specified column from its current location and inserts it at the
    specified array index (may be an array of indexes for nested headers).

    @method _defMoveColumnFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The moveColumn event
        @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
        @param {Object} e.index The destination index to move to
    _defMoveColumnFn: function (e) {
        var columns = this.get('columns'),
            column  = this.getColumn(e.column),
            toIndex = toArray(e.index),
            fromCols, fromIndex, toCols, i, len;

        if (column) {
            fromCols  = column._parent ? column._parent.children : columns;
            fromIndex = arrayIndex(fromCols, column);

            if (fromIndex > -1) {
                toCols = columns;

                for (i = 0, len = toIndex.length - 1; toCols && i < len; ++i) {
                    toCols = toCols[i] && toCols[i].children;

                if (toCols) {
                    fromCols.splice(fromIndex, 1);
                    toCols.splice(toIndex[i], 1, column);

                    this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
                } else { Y.log('Column [' + e.column + '] could not be moved. Destination index invalid for moveColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');
        } else { Y.log('Column [' + e.column + '] not found for moveColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');

    Default function for the removeColumn event.

    Splices the specified column from its containing columns array.

    @method _defRemoveColumnFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The removeColumn event
        @param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} e.column The column definition object or identifier
    _defRemoveColumnFn: function (e) {
        var columns = this.get('columns'),
            column  = this.getColumn(e.column),
            cols, index;

        if (column) {
            cols = column._parent ? column._parent.children : columns;
            index = Y.Array.indexOf(cols, column);

            if (index > -1) {
                cols.splice(index, 1);

                this.set('columns', columns, { originEvent: e });
        } else { Y.log('Could not locate column [' + e.column + '] for removeColumn', 'warn', 'datatable');

    Publishes the events used by the mutation methods:

     * addColumn
     * removeColumn
     * modifyColumn
     * moveColumn

    @method initializer
    initializer: function () {
            addColumn:    { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defAddColumnFn', this) },
            removeColumn: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRemoveColumnFn', this) },
            moveColumn:   { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defMoveColumnFn', this) },
            modifyColumn: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defModifyColumnFn', this) }

Adds an array of new records to the DataTable's data ModelList.  Record data
can be an array of objects containing field values or an array of instance of
the DataTable's configured recordType class.

This relays all parameters to the data ModelList's add method.

Technically, this is an alias to addRow, but please use the appropriately
named method for readability.

If a configuration object is passed as a second argument, and that object
has sync: true set, the underlying Models will be save()d.

If the DataTable's autoSync attribute is set to true, the additional
argument is not needed.

If syncing and the last argument is a function, that function will be used
as a callback to each Model's save() method.

@method addRows
@param {Object[]} data The data or Model instances to add
@param {Object} [config] Configuration to pass along
@param {Function} [callback] Callback function for each Model's save()
  @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation
    failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation
    succeeded, _err_ will be null.
  @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will
    be passed to the parse() method, which is expected to parse it and
    return an attribute hash.
@return {DataTable}
Mutable.prototype.addRows = Mutable.prototype.addRow;

// Add feature APIs to public Y.DataTable class
if (YLang.isFunction(Y.DataTable)) {
    Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Mutable]);

Fired by the addColumn method.

@event addColumn
@preventable _defAddColumnFn
@param {Object} column The new column definition object
@param {Number|Number[]} index The array index to insert the new column

Fired by the removeColumn method.

@event removeColumn
@preventable _defRemoveColumnFn
@param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier

Fired by the modifyColumn method.

@event modifyColumn
@preventable _defModifyColumnFn
@param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier
@param {Object} newColumnDef The properties to assign to the column

Fired by the moveColumn method.

@event moveColumn
@preventable _defMoveColumnFn
@param {Object|String|Number|Number[]} column The column definition object or identifier
@param {Object} index The destination index to move to

}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['gallery-datatable-350-preview-base'] });

YUI.add('lang/gallery-datatable-350-preview-message', function (Y) {
Y.Intl.add('datatable-message', '', 
    emptyMessage: "No data to display",
    loadingMessage: "Loading..."
);}, '@VERSION@');

YUI.add('lang/gallery-datatable-350-preview-message_en', function (Y) {
Y.Intl.add('datatable-message', 'en', 
    emptyMessage: "No data to display",
    loadingMessage: "Loading..."
);}, '@VERSION@');

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-message', function (Y) {
Adds support for a message container to appear in the table.  This can be used
to indicate loading progress, lack of records, or any other communication

Features added to Y.DataTable, and made available for custom classes at

@module datatable-message
@class DataTable.Message
@for DataTable
var Message;

Y.namespace('DataTable').Message = Message = function () {};

Message.ATTRS = {
    Enables the display of messages in the table.  Setting this to false will
    prevent the message Node from being created and showMessage from doing

    @attribute showMessages
    @type {Boolean}
    @default true
    showMessages: {
        value: true,
        validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean

Y.mix(Message.prototype, {
    Template used to generate the node that will be used to report messages.

    @property MESSAGE_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default <tbody class="{className}"><td class="{contentClass}" colspan="{colspan}"></td></tbody>
    MESSAGE_TEMPLATE: '<tbody class="{className}"><tr><td class="{contentClass}" colspan="{colspan}"></td></tr></tbody>',

    Hides the message node.

    @method hideMessage
    @return {DataTable}
    hideMessage: function () {
            this.getClassName('message', 'visible'));

        return this;

    Display the message node and set its content to message.  If there is a
    localized strings entry for the value of message, that string will be

    @method showMessage
    @param {String} message The message name or message itself to display
    @return {DataTable}
    showMessage: function (message) {
        var content = this.getString(message) || message;

        if (!this._messageNode) {

        if (this.get('showMessages')) {
            if (content) {
                    '.' + this.getClassName('message', 'content'))

            } else {
                // TODO: is this right?
                // If no message provided, remove the message node.

        return this;

    // Protected methods
    Updates the colspan of the &lt;td&gt; used to display the messages.

    @method _afterMessageColumnsChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event
    _afterMessageColumnsChange: function (e) {
        var contentNode;

        if (this._messageNode) {
            contentNode = this._messageNode.one(
                '.' + this.getClassName('message', 'content'));

            if (contentNode) {
                contentNode.set('colSpan', this._displayColumns.length);

    Relays to _uiSetMessage to hide or show the message node.

    @method _afterMessageDataChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The dataChange event
    _afterMessageDataChange: function (e) {

    Removes the message node if showMessages is false, or relays to
    _uiSetMessage if true.

    @method _afterShowMessagesChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The showMessagesChange event
    _afterShowMessagesChange: function (e) {
        if (e.newVal) {
        } else if (this._messageNode) {
                this.getClassName('message', 'visible'));

            this._messageNode = null;

    Binds the events necessary to keep the message node in sync with the current
    table and configuration state.

    @method _bindMessageUI
    _bindMessageUI: function () {
        this.after(['dataChange', '*:add', '*:remove', '*:reset'],
            Y.bind('_afterMessageDataChange', this));

        this.after('columnsChange', Y.bind('_afterMessageColumnsChange', this));

            Y.bind('_afterShowMessagesChange', this));

    Merges in the message related strings and hooks into the rendering cycle to
    also render and bind the message node.

    @method initializer
    initializer: function () {

        if (this.get('showMessages')) {
            this.after('renderBody', Y.bind('_initMessageNode', this));

        this.after(Y.bind('_bindMessageUI', this), this, 'bindUI');
        this.after(Y.bind('_syncMessageUI', this), this, 'syncUI');

    Creates the _messageNode property from the configured MESSAGE_TEMPLATE
    and inserts it before the &lt;table&gt;'s &lt;tbody&gt; node.

    @method _initMessageNode
    _initMessageNode: function () {
        if (!this._messageNode) {
            this._messageNode = Y.Node.create(
                Y.Lang.sub(this.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, {
                    className: this.getClassName('message'),
                    contentClass: this.getClassName('message', 'content'),
                    colspan: this._displayColumns.length || 1

            this._tableNode.insertBefore(this._messageNode, this._tbodyNode);

    Add the messaging related strings to the strings map.
    @method _initMessageStrings
    _initMessageStrings: function () {
        // Not a valueFn because other class extensions will want to add to it
        this.set('strings', Y.mix((this.get('strings') || {}), 

    Node used to display messages from showMessage.

    @property _messageNode
    @type {Node}
    @value undefined (not initially set)
    //_messageNode: null,

    Synchronizes the message UI with the table state.

    @method _syncMessageUI
    _syncMessageUI: function () {

    Calls hideMessage or showMessage as appropriate based on the presence of
    records in the data ModelList.

    This is called when data is reset or records are added or removed.  Also,
    if the showMessages attribute is updated.  In either case, if the
    triggering event has a message property on the EventFacade, it will be
    passed to showMessage (if appropriate).  If no such property is on the
    facade, the emptyMessage will be used (see the strings).

    @method _uiSetMessage
    @param {EventFacade} e The columnsChange event
    _uiSetMessage: function (e) {
        if (!this.data.size()) {
            this.showMessage((e && e.message) || 'emptyMessage');
        } else {

if (Y.Lang.isFunction(Y.DataTable)) {
    Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [ Message ]);
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['gallery-datatable-350-preview-base'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-column-widths', function (Y) {
Adds basic, programmatic column width support to DataTable. Note, this does not
add support for truncated columns.  Due to the way HTML tables render, column
width is more like min-width.  Column content wider than the assigned width
will cause the column to expand, though if a table width is set, the overall
width will be respected by reducing the width of other columns if possible.

To set a column width, either add a width value to the column configuration
or call the setColumnWidth(id, width) method.

Note, assigning column widths is possible without this module, as each cell is
decorated with a class appropriate for that column which you can statically
target in your site's CSS.  To achieve forced column widths with truncation,
either add a column formatter or update the table's bodyView's
CELL_TEMPLATE to include a &lt;div&gt; liner (by convention, assigned a classname
"yui3-datatable-liner"), then set the width and overflow for those &lt;div&gt;s in
your CSS.  For example, to give the column "foo" an absolute width, add this to
your site CSS:

.yui3-datatable .yui3-datatable-foo .yui3-datatable-liner {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 125px;

and assign a formatter for the "foo" column in your JavaScript:

var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [
            key: 'foo',
            formatter: '<div class="yui3-datatable-liner">{value}</div>',
            allowHTML: true

To add a liner to all columns, either provide a custom bodyView to the
DataTable constructor or update the default bodyView's CELL_TEMPLATE like

table.on('renderBody', function (e) {
    e.view.CELL_TEMPLATE = e.view.CELL_TEMPLATE.replace(/\{content\}/,
            '<div class="yui3-datatable-liner">{content}</div>');

Keep in mind that DataTable skins apply cell padding, so assign your CSS
widths accordingly or override the padding style for that column's &lt;td&gt;s
to 0, and add padding to the liner &lt;div&gt;'s styles.

@module datatable-column-widths
@class DataTable.ColumnWidths
@for DataTable
var isNumber = Y.Lang.isNumber,
    arrayIndex = Y.Array.indexOf;

Y.Features.add('table', 'badColWidth', {
    test: function () {
        var body = Y.one('body'),
            node, broken;

        if (body) {
            // In modern browsers, <col style="width:X"> will make columns,
            // *including padding and borders* X wide. The cell content width
            // is reduced.  In old browsers and all Opera versions to date, the
            // col's width style is passed to the cells, which causes cell
            // padding/border to bloat the rendered width.
            node = body.insertBefore(
                '<table style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;border:0 none">' +
                    '<colgroup><col style="width:9px"></colgroup>' +
                    '<tbody><tr>' +
                        '<td style="' +
                            'padding:0 4px;' +
                            'font:normal 2px/2px arial;' +
                            'border:0 none">' +
                        '.' + // Just something to give the cell dimension
                    '</td></tr></tbody>' +

            broken = node.one('td').getComputedStyle('width') !== '1px';


        return broken;

function ColumnWidths() {}

Y.mix(ColumnWidths.prototype, {
    The HTML template used to create the table's &lt;col&gt;s.

    @property COL_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @default '<col/>'
    COL_TEMPLATE: '<col/>',

    The HTML template used to create the table's &lt;colgroup&gt;.

    @type {HTML}
    @default '<colgroup/>'
    COLGROUP_TEMPLATE: '<colgroup/>',

    Assigns the style width of the &lt;col&gt; representing the column identifed by
    id and updates the column configuration.

    Pass the empty string for width to return a column to auto sizing.

    This does not trigger a columnsChange event today, but I can be convinced
    that it should.

    @method setColumnWidth
    @param {Number|String|Object} id The column config object or key, name, or
            index of a column in the host's _displayColumns array.
    @param {Number|String} width CSS width value. Numbers are treated as pixels
    @return {DataTable}
    setColumnWidth: function (id, width) {
        var col = this.getColumn(id),
            index = col && arrayIndex(this._displayColumns, col);

        if (index > -1) {
            if (isNumber(width)) {
                width += 'px';

            col.width = width;

            this._setColumnWidth(index, width);

        return this;

    // Protected properties and methods

    Renders the table's &lt;colgroup&gt; and populates the _colgroupNode property.

    @method _createColumnGroup
    _createColumnGroup: function () {
        return Y.Node.create(this.COLGROUP_TEMPLATE);

    Hooks up to the rendering lifecycle to also render the &lt;colgroup&gt; and
    subscribe to columnChange events.

    @method initializer
    initializer: function (config) {
        this.after('renderTable', function (e) {

            this.after('columnsChange', this._uiSetColumns);

    Sets a columns's &lt;col&gt; element width style. This is needed to get around
    browser rendering differences.

    The colIndex corresponds to the item index of the &lt;col&gt; in the table's

    To unset the width, pass a falsy value for the width.

    @method _setColumnWidth
    @param {Number} colIndex The display column index
    @param {Number|String} width The desired width
    // TODO: move this to a conditional module
    _setColumnWidth: function (colIndex, width) {
        // Opera (including Opera Next circa 1/13/2012) and IE7- pass on the
        // width style to the cells directly, allowing padding and borders to
        // expand the rendered width.  Chrome 16, Safari 5.1.1, and FF 3.6+ all
        // make the rendered width equal the col's style width, reducing the
        // cells' calculated width.
        var colgroup  = this._colgroupNode,
            col       = colgroup && colgroup.all('col').item(colIndex),
            firstRow, cell, getCStyle;

        if (col) {
            if (width && isNumber(width)) {
                width += 'px';

            col.setStyle('width', width);

            // Adjust the width for browsers that make
            // td.style.width === col.style.width
            if  (width && Y.Features.test('table', 'badColWidth')) {
                firstRow = this._tbodyNode && this._tbodyNode.one('tr');
                cell     = firstRow && firstRow.all('td').item(colIndex);
                if (cell) {
                    getCStyle = function (prop) {
                        return parseInt(cell.getComputedStyle(prop), 10)|0;

                        // I hate this
                        parseInt(width, 10) -
                        getCStyle('paddingLeft') -
                        getCStyle('paddingRight') -
                        getCStyle('borderLeftWidth') -
                        getCStyle('borderRightWidth') + 'px');


    Populates the table's &lt;colgroup&gt; with a &lt;col&gt; per item in the columns
    attribute without children.  It is assumed that these are the columns that
    have data cells renderered for them.

    @method _uiSetColumns
    _uiSetColumns: function () {
        var template = this.COL_TEMPLATE,
            colgroup = this._colgroupNode,
            columns  = this._displayColumns,
            i, len;

        if (!colgroup) {
            colgroup = this._colgroupNode = this._createColumnGroup();

                this._tableNode.one('> thead, > tfoot, > tbody'));
        } else {

        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {


            this._setColumnWidth(i, columns[i].width);
}, true);

Y.DataTable.ColumnWidths = ColumnWidths;

Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [ColumnWidths]);
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['gallery-datatable-350-preview-base'] });

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-scroll', function (Y) {
Adds the ability to make the table rows scrollable while preserving the header

There are two types of scrolling, horizontal (x) and vertical (y).  Horizontal
scrolling is achieved by wrapping the entire table in a scrollable container.
Vertical scrolling is achieved by splitting the table headers and data into two
separate tables, the latter of which is wrapped in a vertically scrolling
container.  In this case, column widths of header cells and data cells are kept
in sync programmatically.

Since the split table synchronization can be costly at runtime, the split is only done if the data in the table stretches beyond the configured height value.

To activate or deactivate scrolling, set the scrollable attribute to one of
the following values:

 * false - (default) Scrolling is disabled.
 * true or 'xy' - If height is set, vertical scrolling will be activated, if
            width is set, horizontal scrolling will be activated.
 * 'x' - Activate horizontal scrolling only. Requires the width attribute is
         also set.
 * 'y' - Activate vertical scrolling only. Requires the height attribute is
         also set.

 @module datatable-scroll
 @class DataTable.Scrollable
 @for DataTable
var YLang = Y.Lang,
    isString = YLang.isString,
    isNumber = YLang.isNumber,
    isArray  = YLang.isArray,


Y.DataTable.Scrollable = Scrollable = function () {};

Scrollable.ATTRS = {
    Activates or deactivates scrolling in the table.  Acceptable values are:

     * false - (default) Scrolling is disabled.
     * true or 'xy' - If height is set, vertical scrolling will be activated, if
                width is set, horizontal scrolling will be activated.
     * 'x' - Activate horizontal scrolling only. Requires the width attribute is
             also set.
     * 'y' - Activate vertical scrolling only. Requires the height attribute is
             also set.

    @attribute scrollable
    @type {String|Boolean}
    @value false
    scrollable: {
        value: false,
        setter: '_setScrollable'

Y.mix(Scrollable.prototype, {

    Scrolls a given row or cell into view if the table is scrolling.  Pass the
    clientId of a Model from the DataTable's data ModelList or its row
    index to scroll to a row or a [row index, column index] array to scroll to
    a cell.  Alternately, to scroll to any element contained within the table's
    scrolling areas, pass its ID, or the Node itself (though you could just as
    well call node.scrollIntoView() yourself, but hey, whatever).

    @method scrollTo
    @param {String|Number|Number[]|Node} id A row clientId, row index, cell
            coordinate array, id string, or Node
    @return {DataTable}
    scrollTo: function (id) {
        var target;

        if (id && this._tbodyNode && (this._yScrollNode || this._xScrollNode)) {
            if (isArray(id)) {
                target = this.getCell(id);
            } else if (isNumber(id)) { 
                target = this.getRow(id);
            } else if (isString(id)) {
                target = this._tbodyNode.one('#' + id);
            } else if (id instanceof Y.Node &&
                    // TODO: ancestor(yScrollNode, xScrollNode)
                    id.ancestor('.yui3-datatable') === this.get('boundingBox')) {
                target = id;

            target && target.scrollIntoView();

        return this;

    // Protected properties and methods

    Template for the &lt;table&gt; that is used to fix the caption in place when
    the table is horizontally scrolling.

    @type {HTML}
    @value '<table class="{className}" role="presentation"></table>'
    _CAPTION_TABLE_TEMPLATE: '<table class="{className}" role="presentation"></table>',

    Template for the virtual scrollbar needed in "xy" scrolling setups.

    @type {HTML}
    @value '<div class="{className}"><div></div></div>'
    _SCROLLBAR_TEMPLATE: '<div class="{className}"><div></div></div>',

    Template for the &lt;div&gt; that is used to contain the table when the table is
    horizontally scrolling.

    @property _X_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @value '<div class="{className}"></div>'
    _X_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="{className}"></div>',

    Template for the &lt;div&gt; that is used to contain the rows when the table is
    vertically scrolling.

    @property _Y_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE
    @type {HTML}
    @value '<div class="{className}"><table class="{tableClassName}" role="presentation"></table></div>'
    _Y_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="{className}"><table class="{tableClassName}" role="presentation"></table></div>',
    Creates a vertical scrollbar absolutely positioned over the right edge of the 
    _xScrollNode to relay scrolling to the _xScrollNode (masked) below.
    Without this, the _yScrollNode's scrollbar would not be visible until the
    _xScrollNode was scrolled to the far right.

    @method _addVirtualScrollbar
    _addVirtualScrollbar: function () {
        var scroller       = this._yScrollNode,
            scrollbarWidth = Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth() + 'px',
            scrollbar      = Y.Node.create(
                Y.Lang.sub(this._SCROLLBAR_TEMPLATE, {
                    className: this.getClassName('virtual', 'scrollbar')

        this._scrollbarNode = scrollbar;

            height: scroller.get('clientHeight') + 'px',
            width : scrollbarWidth,
            bottom : scrollbarWidth

            .setStyle('height', scroller.get('scrollHeight') + 'px');

        this._virtualScrollHandle = new Y.EventHandle([
            scrollbar.on('scroll', Y.rbind('_syncVirtualScroll', this)),
            scroller.on('scroll', Y.rbind('_syncVirtualScroll', this))


    Relays changes in the table structure or content to trigger a reflow of the
    scrolling setup.

    @method _afterContentChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
    _afterContentChange: function (e) {


    Reacts to changes in the scrollable attribute by updating the _xScroll
    and _yScroll properties and syncing the scrolling structure accordingly.

    @method _afterScrollableChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
    _afterScrollableChange: function (e) {

    Syncs the scrolling structure if the table is configured to scroll vertically.

    @method _afterScrollHeightChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
    _afterScrollHeightChange: function (e) {
        this._yScroll && this._syncScrollUI();

    Attaches internal subscriptions to keep the scrolling structure up to date
    with changes in the table's data, columns, caption, or height.  The
    width is taken care of already.

    This executes after the table's native bindUI method.

    @method _bindScrollUI
    _bindScrollUI: function () {
            Y.bind('_afterContentChange', this));

            'add', 'remove', 'reset', '*:change'],
            Y.bind('_afterContentChange', this));

    Calculates the height of the div containing the vertically scrolling rows.
    The height is produced by subtracting the offsetHeight of the scrolling
    &lt;div&gt; from the clientHeight of the contentBox.

    @method _calcScrollHeight
    _calcScrollHeight: function () {
        var scrollNode = this._yScrollNode;

        return this.get('contentBox').get('clientHeight') -
               scrollNode.get('offsetTop') -
               // To account for padding and borders of the scroll div
               scrollNode.get('offsetHeight') +

    Populates the _xScrollNode property by creating the &lt;div&gt; Node described

    @method _createXScrollNode
    _createXScrollNode: function () {
        if (!this._xScrollNode) {
            this._xScrollNode = Y.Node.create(
                Y.Lang.sub(this._X_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE, {
                    className: this.getClassName('x','scroller')

    Populates the _yScrollNode property by creating the &lt;div&gt; Node described

    @method _createYScrollNode
    _createYScrollNode: function () {
        if (!this._yScrollNode) {
            this._yScrollNode = Y.Node.create(
                Y.Lang.sub(this._Y_SCROLLER_TEMPLATE, {
                    className: this.getClassName('y','scroller'),
                    tableClassName: this.getClassName('y', 'scroll', 'table')

    Assigns style widths to all columns based on their current offsetWidths.
    This faciliates creating a clone of the &lt;colgroup&gt; so column widths are
    the same after the table is split in to header and data tables.

    @method _fixColumnWidths
    _fixColumnWidths: function () {
        var tbody     = this._tbodyNode,
            table     = tbody.get('parentNode'),
            firstRow  = tbody.one('tr'),
            cells     = firstRow && firstRow.all('td'),
            scrollbar = Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth(),
            widths    = [], i, len, cell;

        if (cells) {
            // The thead and tbody need to be in the same table to accurately
            // calculate column widths.

            i = cells.size() - 1;
            cell = cells.item(i);

            // FIXME? This may be fragile if the table has a fixed width and
            // increasing the size of the last column would push the overall
            // width beyond the configured width.
            // bump up the width of the last column to account for the scrollbar.
                (cell.get('offsetWidth') + scrollbar) + 'px');

            // Avoid assignment without scrollbar adjustment

            // Two passes so assigned widths don't cause subsequent width changes
            // which would cost reflows.
            widths = cells.get('offsetWidth');

            for (i = 0, len = widths.length; i < len; ++i) {
                this._setColumnWidth(i, widths[i] + 'px');


    Sets up event handlers and AOP advice methods to bind the DataTable's natural
    behaviors with the scrolling APIs and state.

    @method initializer
    @param {Object} config The config object passed to the constructor (ignored)
    initializer: function () {

        this.after(['scrollableChange', 'heightChange', 'widthChange'],

        Y.Do.after(this._bindScrollUI, this, 'bindUI');
        Y.Do.after(this._syncScrollUI, this, 'syncUI');

    Merges the caption and content tables back into one table if they are split.

    @method _mergeXScrollContent
    _mergeXScrollContent: function () {
        var scrollNode = this._xScrollNode,

        this.get('boundingBox').removeClass(this.getClassName('scrollable', 'x'));

        if (scrollNode) {
            if (this._captionNode) {
                captionTable = this._captionNode && this._captionNode.ancestor(
                    '.' + this.getClassName('caption', 'table'));


                if (captionTable) {



            this._xScrollNode = null;

            if (this._scrollbarNode) {
                this._virtualScrollHandle = null;

                this._scrollbarNode = null;

    Merges the header and data tables back into one table if they are split.

    @method _mergeYScrollContent
    _mergeYScrollContent: function () {
        this.get('boundingBox').removeClass(this.getClassName('scrollable', 'y'));

        if (this._yScrollNode) {

            this._yScrollNode = null;



    Removes the additional padding added to the last cells in each header row to
    allow the scrollbar to fit below.

    @method _removeHeaderScrollPadding
    _removeHeaderScrollPadding: function () {
        var rows = this._theadNode.all('> tr').getDOMNodes(),
            cell, i, len;

        // The last cell in all rows of the table headers
        for (i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i += (cell.rowSpan || 1)) {
            cell = Y.one(rows[i].cells[rows[i].cells.length - 1])
                .setStyle('paddingRight', '');

    Adds additional padding to the current amount of right padding on each row's
    last cell to account for the width of the scrollbar below.

    @method _setHeaderScrollPadding
    _setHeaderScrollPadding: function () {
        var rows = this._theadNode.all('> tr').getDOMNodes(),
            padding, cell, i, len;

        cell = Y.one(rows[0].cells[rows[0].cells.length - 1]);

        padding = (Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth() +
                   parseInt(cell.getComputedStyle('paddingRight'), 10)) + 'px';

        // The last cell in all rows of the table headers
        for (i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i += (cell.rowSpan || 1)) {
            cell = Y.one(rows[i].cells[rows[i].cells.length - 1])
                .setStyle('paddingRight', padding);

    Accepts (case insensitive) values "x", "y", "xy", true, and false.
    true is translated to "xy" and upper case values are converted to lower
    case.  All other values are invalid.

    @method _setScrollable
    @param {String|Boolea} val Incoming value for the scrollable attribute
    @return {String}
    _setScrollable: function (val) {
        if (val === true) {
            val = 'xy';

        if (isString(val)) {
            val = val.toLowerCase();

        return (val === false || val === 'y' || val === 'x' || val === 'xy') ?
            val :

    Assigns the _xScroll and _yScroll properties to true if an
    appropriate value is set in the scrollable attribute and the height
    and/or width is set.

    @method _setScrollProperties
    _setScrollProperties: function () {
        var scrollable = this.get('scrollable') || '',
            width      = this.get('width'),
            height     = this.get('height');

        this._xScroll = width  && scrollable.indexOf('x') > -1;
        this._yScroll = height && scrollable.indexOf('y') > -1;

    Clones the fixed (see _fixColumnWidths method) &lt;colgroup&gt; for use by the
    table in the vertical scrolling container.  The last column's width is reduced
    by the width of the scrollbar (which is offset by additional padding on the
    last header cell(s) in the header table - see _setHeaderScrollPadding).

    @method _setYScrollColWidths
    _setYScrollColWidths: function () {
        var scrollNode = this._yScrollNode,
            table      = scrollNode && scrollNode.one('> table'),
            // hack to account for right border
            colgroup, lastCol;

        if (table) {
            colgroup = this._colgroupNode.cloneNode(true);
            colgroup.set('id', Y.stamp(colgroup));

            // Browsers with proper support for column widths need the
            // scrollbar width subtracted from the last column.
            if (!Y.Features.test('table', 'badColWidth')) {
                lastCol = colgroup.all('col').pop();

                // Subtract the scrollbar width added to the last col
                    (parseInt(lastCol.getStyle('width'), 10) - 1 -
                    Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth()) + 'px');

            table.insertBefore(colgroup, table.one('> thead, > tfoot, > tbody'));

    Splits the data table from its caption if it has one and wraps the table in
    a horizontally scrollable container &lt;div&gt;.

    @method _splitXScrollContent
    _splitXScrollContent: function () {
        var captionTable;



        if (this._yScrollNode) {

        if (this._captionNode) {
            captionTable = Y.Node.create(
                Y.Lang.sub(this._CAPTION_TABLE_TEMPLATE, {
                    className: this.getClassName('caption', 'table')

            captionTable.setStyle('width', this.get('width'));

            this.get('contentBox').insertBefore(captionTable, this._xScrollNode);

    Splits the unified table with headers and data into two tables, the latter
    contained within a vertically scrollable container &lt;div&gt;.

    @method _splitYScrollContent
    _splitYScrollContent: function () {
        var table = this._tableNode,
            scrollNode = this._yScrollTable,
            scrollTable, width;

        if (!scrollNode) {
            // I don't want to take into account the added paddingRight done in
            // _setHeaderScrollPadding for the data cells that will be
            // scrolling below


            // lock the header table width in case the removal of the tbody would
            // allow the table to shrink (such as when the tbody data causes a
            // browser horizontal scrollbar).
            width = parseInt(table.getComputedStyle('width'), 10);
            table.setStyle('width', width + 'px');

            scrollNode  = this._yScrollNode;
            scrollTable = scrollNode.one('table');

            table.insert(scrollNode, 'after');

                height: this._calcScrollHeight() + 'px',
                        // FIXME: Lazy hack to account for scroll node borders
                width : (width - 2) + 'px'

            scrollTable.setStyle('width', scrollNode.get('clientWidth') + 'px');


    Splits or merges the table for X and Y scrolling depending on the current
    widget state.  If the table needs to be split, but is already, does nothing.

    @method _syncScrollUI
    _syncScrollUI: function () {
        var cBox        = this.get('contentBox'),
            node        = this._yScrollNode || cBox,
            table       = node.one('table');

        this._uiSetDim('width', '');
        this._tableNode.setStyle('width', '');


        if (this._yScroll) {
            // Only split the table if the content is longer than the height
            if (table.get('scrollHeight') > node.get('clientHeight')) {
            } else {
        } else {

        if (this._xScroll) {
            // Only split the table if the content is wider than the config width
            if (table.get('scrollWidth') > parseInt(this.get('width'), 10)) {

                if (this._yScrollNode) {
                        (this._yScrollNode.get('offsetHeight') -
                         Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth()) + 'px');

                    // Only add virtual scrollbar if the OS+browser renders
                    // scrollbars.
                    if (Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth()) {
            } else {
        } else {

        this._uiSetDim('width', this.get('width'));

    Keeps the _yScrollNode scroll position in sync with the _scrollbarNode
    in an "xy" scroll configuration.

    @method _syncVirtualScroll
    @param {DOMEventFacade} e The scroll event
    @param {Object} details subscription details, including which of the two
        scrolling elements is being scrolled
    _syncVirtualScroll: function (e) {
        var move = (e.currentTarget === this._scrollbarNode) ?
                    this._yScrollNode : this._scrollbarNode;

        move.set('scrollTop', e.currentTarget.get('scrollTop'));

    Overrides the default Widget _uiSetWidth to assign the width to either
    the table or the contentBox (for horizontal scrolling) in addition to the
    native behavior of setting the width of the boundingBox.

    @method _uiSetWidth
    @param {String|Number} width CSS width value or number of pixels
    _uiSetWidth: function (width) {
        var scrollable = this._xScrollNode || this._yScrollNode;

        if (isNumber(width)) {
            width += this.DEF_UNIT;

        if (scrollable) {
        } else {
            this._uiSetDim('width', width);
            this._tableNode.setStyle('width', width);

    Assigns the appropriate class to the boundingBox to identify the DataTable
    as horizontally scrolling, vertically scrolling, or both (adds both classes).

    Classes added are "yui3-datatable-scrollable-x" or "...-y"

    @method _uiSetScrollable
    _uiSetScrollable: function () {
        // Initially add classes.  These may be purged by _syncScrollUI.
            .toggleClass(this.getClassName('scrollable','x'), this._xScroll)
            .toggleClass(this.getClassName('scrollable','y'), this._yScroll);

    Indicates horizontal table scrolling is enabled.

    @property _xScroll
    @type {Boolean}
    @default undefined (not initially set)

    Indicates vertical table scrolling is enabled.

    @property _yScroll
    @type {Boolean}
    @default undefined (not initially set)

    Overflow Node used to contain the data rows in a vertically scrolling table.

    @property _yScrollNode
    @type {Node}
    @default undefined (not initially set)

    Overflow Node used to contain the table headers and data in a horizontally
    scrolling table.

    @property _xScrollNode
    @type {Node}
    @default undefined (not initially set)
}, true);

Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Scrollable]);
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['gallery-datatable-350-preview-base', 'gallery-datatable-350-preview-column-widths', 'dom-screen'] });

YUI.add('lang/gallery-datatable-350-preview-sort', function (Y) {
Y.Intl.add('datatable-sort', '', 
    asc: "Ascending",
    desc: "Descending",
    sortBy: "Sort by {column}",
    reverseSortBy: "Reverse sort by {column}"
);}, '@VERSION@');

YUI.add('lang/gallery-datatable-350-preview-sort_en', function (Y) {
Y.Intl.add('datatable-sort', 'en', 
    asc: "Ascending",
    desc: "Descending",
    sortBy: "Sort by {column}",
    reverseSortBy: "Reverse sort by {column}"
);}, '@VERSION@');

YUI.add('gallery-datatable-350-preview-sort', function (Y) {
Adds support for sorting the table data by API methods table.sort(...) or
table.toggleSort(...) or by clicking on column headers in the rendered UI.

Sorting by the API is enabled automatically when this module is use()d.  To
enable UI triggered sorting, set the DataTable's sortable attribute to

var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [ 'id', 'username', 'name', 'birthdate' ],
    data: [ ... ],
    sortable: true


Setting sortable to true will enable UI sorting for all columns.  To enable
UI sorting for certain columns only, set sortable to an array of column keys,
or just add sortable: true to the respective column configuration objects.
This uses the default setting of sortable: auto for the DataTable instance.

var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [
        { key: 'username',  sortable: true },
        { key: 'name',      sortable: true },
        { key: 'birthdate', sortable: true }
    data: [ ... ]
    // sortable: 'auto' is the default

// OR
var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [ 'id', 'username', 'name', 'birthdate' ],
    data: [ ... ],
    sortable: [ 'username', 'name', 'birthdate' ]

To disable UI sorting for all columns, set sortable to false.  This still
permits sorting via the API methods.

As new records are inserted into the table's data ModelList, they will be inserted at the correct index to preserve the sort order.

The current sort order is stored in the sortBy attribute.  Assigning this value at instantiation will automatically sort your data.

Sorting is done by a simple value comparison using < and > on the field
value.  If you need custom sorting, add a sort function in the column's
sortFn property.  Columns whose content is generated by formatters, but don't
relate to a single key, require a sortFn to be sortable.

function nameSort(a, b) {
    var aa = a.get('lastName'),
        bb = a.get('lastName');

    if (aa === bb) {
        aa = a.get('firstName');
        bb = b.get('firstName');

    return (aa > bb) ? 1 : (aa < bb) ? -1 : 0;

var table = new Y.DataTable({
    columns: [ 'id', 'username', { key: name, sortFn: nameSort }, 'birthdate' ],
    data: [ ... ],
    sortable: [ 'username', 'name', 'birthdate' ]

See the user guide for more details.

@module datatable-sort
@class DataTable.Sortable
@for DataTable
var YLang     = Y.Lang,
    isBoolean = YLang.isBoolean,
    isString  = YLang.isString,
    isArray   = YLang.isArray,
    isObject  = YLang.isObject,

    toArray = Y.Array,
    sub     = YLang.sub,

    dirMap = {
        asc : 1,
        desc: -1,
        "1" : 1,
        "-1": -1

function Sortable() {}

Sortable.ATTRS = {
    // Which columns in the UI should suggest and respond to sorting interaction
    // pass an empty array if no UI columns should show sortable, but you want the
    // table.sort(...) API
    Controls which column headers can trigger sorting by user clicks.

    Acceptable values are:

     * "auto" - (default) looks for sortable: true in the column configurations
     * true - all columns are enabled
     * `false - no UI sortable is enabled
     * {String[]} - array of key names to give sortable headers

    @attribute sortable
    @type {String|String[]|Boolean}
    @default "auto"
    sortable: {
        value: 'auto',
        validator: '_validateSortable'

    The current sort configuration to maintain in the data.

    Accepts column key strings or objects with a single property, the column
    key, with a value of 1, -1, "asc", or "desc".  E.g. `{ username: 'asc'
    }`.  String values are assumed to be ascending.

    Example values would be:

     * "username" - sort by the data's username field or the key
       associated to a column with that name.
     * { username: "desc" } - sort by username in descending order.
       Alternately, use values "asc", 1 (same as "asc"), or -1 (same as "desc").
     * ["lastName", "firstName"] - ascending sort by lastName, but for
       records with the same lastName, ascending subsort by firstName.
       Array can have as many items as you want.
     * [{ lastName: -1 }, "firstName"] - descending sort by lastName,
       ascending subsort by firstName. Mixed types are ok.

    @attribute sortBy
    @type {String|String[]|Object|Object[]}
    sortBy: {
        validator: '_validateSortBy',
        getter: '_getSortBy'

    Strings containing language for sorting tooltips.

    @attribute strings
    @type {Object}
    @default (strings for current lang configured in the YUI instance config)
    strings: {}

Y.mix(Sortable.prototype, {

    Sort the data in the data ModelList and refresh the table with the new

    Acceptable values for fields are key strings or objects with a single
    property, the column key, with a value of 1, -1, "asc", or "desc".  E.g.
    { username: 'asc' }.  String values are assumed to be ascending.

    Example values would be:

     * "username" - sort by the data's username field or the key
       associated to a column with that name.
     * { username: "desc" } - sort by username in descending order.
       Alternately, use values "asc", 1 (same as "asc"), or -1 (same as "desc").
     * ["lastName", "firstName"] - ascending sort by lastName, but for
       records with the same lastName, ascending subsort by firstName.
       Array can have as many items as you want.
     * [{ lastName: -1 }, "firstName"] - descending sort by lastName,
       ascending subsort by firstName. Mixed types are ok.

    @method sort
    @param {String|String[]|Object|Object[]} fields The field(s) to sort by
    @param {Object} [payload] Extra sort event payload you want to send along
    @return {DataTable}
    sort: function (fields, payload) {
        return this.fire('sort', Y.merge((payload || {}), {
            sortBy: fields || this.get('sortBy')

    Template for the node that will wrap the header content for sortable

    @type {HTML}
    @value '<div class="{className}" title="{title}" role="button"></div>'
    SORTABLE_HEADER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="{className}" title="{title}" role="button"></div>',

    Reverse the current sort direction of one or more fields currently being
    sorted by.

    Pass the key of the column or columns you want the sort order reversed

    @method toggleSort
    @param {String|String[]} fields The field(s) to reverse sort order for
    @param {Object} [payload] Extra sort event payload you want to send along
    @return {DataTable}
    toggleSort: function (columns, payload) {
        var current = this._sortBy,
            sortBy = [],
            i, len, j, col, index;

        // To avoid updating column configs or sortBy directly
        for (i = 0, len = current.length; i < len; ++i) {
            col = {};
            col[current[i]._id] = current[i].sortDir;

        if (columns) {
            columns = toArray(columns);

            for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = columns[i];
                index = -1;

                for (j = sortBy.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (sortBy[j][col]) {
                        sortBy[j][col] *= -1;
        } else {
            for (i = 0, len = sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
                for (col in sortBy[i]) {
                    if (sortBy[i].hasOwnProperty(col)) {
                        sortBy[i][col] *= -1;

        return this.fire('sort', Y.merge((payload || {}), {
            sortBy: sortBy

    // Protected properties and methods
    Sorts the data ModelList based on the new sortBy configuration.

    @method _afterSortByChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The sortByChange event
    _afterSortByChange: function (e) {
        // Can't use a setter because it's a chicken and egg problem. The
        // columns need to be set up to translate, but columns are initialized
        // from Core's initializer.  So construction-time assignment would
        // fail.

        // Don't sort unless sortBy has been set
        if (this._sortBy.length) {
            if (!this.data.comparator) {
                 this.data.comparator = this._sortComparator;


    Applies the sorting logic to the new ModelList if the newVal is a new

    @method _afterSortDataChange
    @param {EventFacade} e the dataChange event
    _afterSortDataChange: function (e) {
        // object values always trigger a change event, but we only want to
        // call _initSortFn if the value passed to the data attribute was a
        // new ModelList, not a set of new data as an array, or even the same
        // ModelList.
        if (e.prevVal !== e.newVal || e.newVal.hasOwnProperty('_compare')) {

    Checks if any of the fields in the modified record are fields that are
    currently being sorted by, and if so, resorts the data ModelList.

    @method _afterSortRecordChange
    @param {EventFacade} e The Model's change event
    _afterSortRecordChange: function (e) {
        var i, len;

        for (i = 0, len = this._sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
            if (e.changed[this._sortBy[i].key]) {

    Subscribes to state changes that warrant updating the UI, and adds the
    click handler for triggering the sort operation from the UI.

    @method _bindSortUI
    _bindSortUI: function () {
        this.after(['sortableChange', 'sortByChange', 'columnsChange'],

        if (this._theadNode) {
            this._sortHandle = this._theadNode.delegate('click',
                Y.rbind('_onUITriggerSort', this),
                '.' + this.getClassName('sortable', 'column'));
    Sets the sortBy attribute from the sort event's e.sortBy value.

    @method _defSortFn
    @param {EventFacade} e The sort event
    _defSortFn: function (e) {
        this.set.apply(this, ['sortBy', e.sortBy].concat(e.details));

    Removes the click subscription from the header for sorting.

    @method destructor
    destructor: function () {
        if (this._sortHandle) {

    Getter for the sortBy attribute.
    Supports the special subattribute "sortBy.state" to get a normalized JSON
    version of the current sort state.  Otherwise, returns the last assigned

    For example:

    <pre><code>var table = new Y.DataTable({
        columns: [ ... ],
        data: [ ... ],
        sortBy: 'username'

    table.get('sortBy'); // 'username'
    table.get('sortBy.state'); // { key: 'username', dir: 1 }

    table.sort(['lastName', { firstName: "desc" }]);
    table.get('sortBy'); // ['lastName', { firstName: "desc" }]
    table.get('sortBy.state'); // [{ key: "lastName", dir: 1 }, { key: "firstName", dir: -1 }]

    @method _getSortBy
    @param {String|String[]|Object|Object[]} val The current sortBy value
    @param {String} detail String passed to get(HERE). to parse subattributes
    _getSortBy: function (val, detail) {
        var state, i, len, col;

        // "sortBy." is 7 characters. Used to catch 
        detail = detail.slice(7);

        // TODO: table.get('sortBy.asObject')? table.get('sortBy.json')?
        if (detail === 'state') {
            state = [];

            for (i = 0, len = this._sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = this._sortBy[i];
                    column: col._id,
                    dir: col.sortDir

            // TODO: Always return an array?
            return { state: (state.length === 1) ? state[0] : state };
        } else {
            return val;

    Sets up the initial sort state and instance properties.  Publishes events
    and subscribes to attribute change events to maintain internal state.

    @method initializer
    initializer: function () {
        var boundParseSortable = Y.bind('_parseSortable', this);





            renderHeader  : Y.bind('_renderSortable', this),
            dataChange    : Y.bind('_afterSortDataChange', this),
            sortByChange  : Y.bind('_afterSortByChange', this),
            sortableChange: boundParseSortable,
            columnsChange : boundParseSortable,
            "*:change"    : Y.bind('_afterSortRecordChange', this)

        this.publish('sort', {
            defaultFn: Y.bind('_defSortFn', this)

    Creates a _compare function for the data ModelList to allow custom
    sorting by multiple fields.

    @method _initSortFn
    _initSortFn: function () {
        var self = this;

        // TODO: This should be a ModelList extension.
        // FIXME: Modifying a component of the host seems a little smelly
        // FIXME: Declaring inline override to leverage closure vs
        // compiling a new function for each column/sortable change or
        // binding the _compare implementation to this, resulting in an
        // extra function hop during sorting. Lesser of three evils?
        this.data._compare = function (a, b) {
            var cmp = 0,
                i, len, col, dir, aa, bb;

            for (i = 0, len = self._sortBy.length; !cmp && i < len; ++i) {
                col = self._sortBy[i];
                dir = col.sortDir;

                if (col.sortFn) {
                    cmp = col.sortFn(a, b) * dir;
                } else {
                    // FIXME? Requires columns without sortFns to have key
                    aa = a.get(col.key);
                    bb = b.get(col.key);

                    cmp = (aa > bb) ? dir : ((aa < bb) ? -dir : 0);

            return cmp;

        if (this._sortBy.length) {
            this.data.comparator = this._sortComparator;

            // TODO: is this necessary? Should it be elsewhere?
        } else {
            // Leave the _compare method in place to avoid having to set it
            // up again.  Mistake?
            delete this.data.comparator;

    Add the sort related strings to the strings map.
    @method _initSortStrings
    _initSortStrings: function () {
        // Not a valueFn because other class extensions will want to add to it
        this.set('strings', Y.mix((this.get('strings') || {}), 

    Fires the sort event in response to user clicks on sortable column

    @method _onUITriggerSort
    @param {DOMEventFacade} e The click event
    _onUITriggerSort: function (e) {
        var id = e.currentTarget.get('id'),
            config = {},
            dir    = 1,


        // TODO: if (e.ctrlKey) { /* subsort */ }
        if (id) {
            Y.Array.each(this._displayColumns, function (col) {
                if (id === col._yuid) {
                    column = col._id;
                    // Flip current sortDir or default to 1 (asc)
                    dir    = -(col.sortDir|0) || 1;

            if (column) {
                config[column] = dir;

                this.fire('sort', {
                    originEvent: e,
                    sortBy: [config]

    Normalizes the possible input values for the sortable attribute, storing
    the results in the _sortable property.

    @method _parseSortable
    _parseSortable: function () {
        var sortable = this.get('sortable'),
            columns  = [],
            i, len, col;

        if (isArray(sortable)) {
            for (i = 0, len = sortable.length; i < len; ++i) {
                col = sortable[i];

                // isArray is called because arrays are objects, but will rely
                // on getColumn to nullify them for the subsequent if (col)
                if (!isObject(col, true) || isArray(col)) {
                    col = this.getColumn(col);

                if (col) {
        } else if (sortable) {
            columns = this._displayColumns.slice();

            if (sortable === 'auto') {
                for (i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    if (!columns[i].sortable) {
                        columns.splice(i, 1);

        this._sortable = columns;

    Initial application of the sortable UI.

    @method _renderSortable
    _renderSortable: function () {


    Parses the current sortBy attribute into a normalized structure for the
    data ModelList's _compare method.  Also updates the column
    configurations' sortDir properties.

    @method _setSortBy
    _setSortBy: function () {
        var columns     = this._displayColumns,
            sortBy      = this.get('sortBy') || [],
            sortedClass = ' ' + this.getClassName('sorted'),
            i, len, name, dir, field, column;

        this._sortBy = [];

        // Purge current sort state from column configs
        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            column = columns[i];

            delete column.sortDir;

            if (column.className) {
                // TODO: be more thorough
                column.className = column.className.replace(sortedClass, '');

        sortBy = toArray(sortBy);

        for (i = 0, len = sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
            name = sortBy[i];
            dir  = 1;

            if (isObject(name)) {
                field = name;
                // Have to use a for-in loop to process sort({ foo: -1 })
                for (name in field) {
                    if (field.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                        dir = dirMap[field[name]];

            if (name) {
                // Allow sorting of any model field and any column
                // FIXME: this isn't limited to model attributes, but there's no
                // convenient way to get a list of the attributes for a Model
                // subclass *including* the attributes of its superclasses.
                column = this.getColumn(name) || { _id: name, key: name };

                if (column) {
                    column.sortDir = dir;

                    if (!column.className) {
                        column.className = '';

                    column.className += sortedClass;


    Array of column configuration objects of those columns that need UI setup
    for user interaction.

    @property _sortable
    @type {Object[]}
    //_sortable: null,

    Array of column configuration objects for those columns that are currently
    being used to sort the data.  Fake column objects are used for fields that
    are not rendered as columns.

    @property _sortBy
    @type {Object[]}
    //_sortBy: null,

    Replacement comparator for the data ModelList that defers sorting logic
    to the _compare method.  The deferral is accomplished by returning this.

    @method _sortComparator
    @param {Model} item The record being evaluated for sort position
    @return {Model} The record
    _sortComparator: function (item) {
        // Defer sorting to ModelList's _compare
        return item;

    Applies the appropriate classes to the boundingBox and column headers to
    indicate sort state and sortability.

    Also currently wraps the header content of sortable columns in a &lt;div&gt;
    liner to give a CSS anchor for sort indicators.

    @method _uiSetSortable
    _uiSetSortable: function () {
        var columns       = this._sortable || [],
            sortableClass = this.getClassName('sortable', 'column'),
            ascClass      = this.getClassName('sorted'),
            descClass     = this.getClassName('sorted', 'desc'),
            linerClass    = this.getClassName('sort', 'liner'),
            i, len, col, node, content, title;


        // TODO: this.head.render() + decorate cells?
        this._theadNode.all('.' + sortableClass)
            .each(function (th) {
                var liner = th.one('.' + linerClass);

                if (liner) {

        for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
            col  = columns[i];
            node = this._theadNode.one('#' + col._yuid);

            if (node) {
                if (col.sortDir) {

                    if (col.sortDir === -1) {

                title = sub(this.getString(
                    (col.sortDir === 1) ? 'reverseSortBy' : 'sortBy'), {
                        column: col.abbr || col.label ||
                                col.key  || ('column ' + i)

                Y.Node.create(Y.Lang.sub(this.SORTABLE_HEADER_TEMPLATE, {
                        className: linerClass,
                        title    : title

    Allows values true, false, "auto", or arrays of column names through.

    @method _validateSortable
    @param {Any} val The input value to set("sortable", VAL)
    @return {Boolean}
    _validateSortable: function (val) {
        return val === 'auto' || isBoolean(val) || isArray(val);

    Allows strings, arrays of strings, objects, or arrays of objects.

    @method _validateSortBy
    @param {String|String[]|Object|Object[]} val The new sortBy value
    @return {Boolean}
    _validateSortBy: function (val) {
        return val === null ||
               isString(val) ||
               isObject(val, true) ||
               (isArray(val) && (isString(val[0]) || isObject(val, true)));

}, true);

Y.DataTable.Sortable = Sortable;

Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Sortable]);
}, '@VERSION@', { requires: ['gallery-datatable-350-preview-base'] });
